2011 Japan Earthquake Aftermath: significant impacts on Japanese Timber Industry & Logistics... but not critical
Gustavo Iglesias Trabado GIT Forestry Consulting SL - Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal- www.git-forestry.com - EUCALYPTOLOGICS
The devastation caused by the Great Tohoku Earthquake of March 2011 and the subsequent tsunami has impacted both directly and indirectly on many strategic industrial sectors for Japanese economy. Direct impacts have effected the energy sector (up to 30% of total electric power capacity was temporarily limited for security reasons in Japanese nuclear plants and due to damaged infrastructure), which in turn impacts all the other energy dependent sectors. Directly effected also, electronics, technological, siderurgic and automotive industries, which in turn creates impacts on the global distribution chains.
Indirectly impacted, agro-businesses and food supply industries, including fisheries, and their associated industrial transformation chains due to direct damage to their hardware and infrastructures, but indirectly also for food security reasons.
In what has to do with Japanese forestry related industries, significant impacts have been reported for the majority of sub-sectors, albeit with variable degree and non critical condition for several, or without significant global scale implications in all cases.
Woodchips, Pulp & Paper... and the Rebuilding of Japan
Considering for a moment the case of woodchip, pulp and paper export-imports for the Japanese P&P industry, it is important to take in account that some basic macro-magnitudes, as that Japan imports circa 65% of its yearly annual woodchip consumption, but only a 15% of its yearly consumption of cellulosic pulp is market pulp, and only a 7% of yearly paper consumption is sourced from imports. A quite important amount of these imported woodchips starting the P&P manufacture chain is sourced from countries with significant planted forest resources, especially Eucalyptus planted forests.
Woodchips, even if important when considered as overall import-export volumes, are not the main fiber source for cellulosic pulp and further paper manufacture in Japan, which normally takes place in integrated mill complexes, some of which have been directly affected by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami 2011. Japan is one of the countries with a highest rate of paper recycling in the world, which a rapidly advancing paper recovery ratio that has increased from 50% to nearly 80% in just one decade. Recovered paper is the main source instead, supplying beyond 60% of the total brute volume of fiber used in these industrial processes.
Fig 3: 03/2011 Earthquake Impact on Japanese Pulp & Paper Industry: Effected Woodchip Import Flows Map, a preliminary outlook to import-export markets potentially affected (March 21th 21:00 CET). A larger version is available from GIT Forestry Consultingupon request (just contact us).
Given the reported earthquake & tsunami impact to Japanese pulp and paper industry, the temporary cease of operations for some industrial complexes means barely a 10% of the total effective capacity for paper production during the last trienium, which was already not the maximum potential capacity. In addition, damage is not spatially widespread, being restricted just to the most damaged areas in the Northeast of Japan, and it is not either concentrated in a single type of paper production, but spread across several market segments. The strong industry in other areas of the country can reabsorb the temporarily lost productive capacity and is expected to be able to sustain an internal offer enough to appease the normal demand of Japanese citizens.
Other timber industry market segments are expected to be more affected in increased import-export value generation term, especially those associated with rebuilding efforts: softwood & hardwood lumber grade logs, crude sawntimber, finished sawntimber & solidwood, and also board, panels & plywood demand is expected to grow steadily in the medium term, especially for those segments in which Japan has increasingly become dependent of external supply even in normal conditions.
Tsunami Damage to Japanese Ports & Impact on Timber Products Logistics
Differently to what was experienced after the 2010 Chilean Earthquake and subsequent tsunami, which hit the core of its pulp and paper industry and paralyzed primary resource and strategic semi-elaborated product exports in the country, including woodchips and market cellulosic pulp for months, damage levels to port infrastructures in Japan do not reach critical thresholds capable of stopping its industrial or economic machinery in the medium term, but yes able to slow its normal production rhythm for several sectors, at least for a time. This different impact is related to the abundance and dispersal of port infrastructures along the Japanese coast, including large industrial and commercial hubs well away of the most effected area.
Majority of Southwestern ports, including the largest ones in the country, can already operate normally, and so can the strategic port complexes in the bays of Tokyo and Chiba. Their temporary cease of activity was cautionary in front of the possibility of further tsunamis caused by major aftershocks, and the levels of damage, albeit significant, are not severe.
Fig 5: 03/2011 Earthquake Impact on Japanese Pulp & Paper Industry: Tsunami Affected Japanese Forest Products Ports & Timber Industry Logistics Map, a preliminary outlook to import-export infrastructures affected (March 21th 21:00 CET). A larger version is available from GIT Forestry Consultingupon request (just contact us).
A different case in Northeastern Japan: one of the large ports most heavily impacted by the 2011 Tsunami is Hachinohe, probably non operative for months. Its major activity range is related to fisheries, oil and petrochemical industries, but a small percent of forestry related input supply has been reported as effected.
Fig 6: 03/2011 Earthquake Impact on Japanese Pulp & Paper Industry: Tsunami Affected Japanese Forest Products Ports: Case Study 03 (March 21th 21:00 CET). A larger version is available from GIT Forestry Consultingupon request (just contact us).
The ports of Sendai, Onahama & Ishinomaki, where tsunami wave height reached ranges within 5 to 10 meters, have been almost totally destroyed after their oceanic defenses were overwhelmed and it is possible they will not manage to operate normally for years. In these ports there is a significant activity associated to timber industries, and among other impacts, besides the destruction of port infrastructures, primary resource and finished product stocks have been reported as lost or heavily damaged, including newspaper, printing paper, cardboard and specialty paper stocks.
A dozen of other ports in this region of Japan, some of which also operate with forestry related products, have also been severely damaged, are no longer operating, will not be operating in the short term and probably will not be operating either in the medium term.
We will try to keep you updated with any available information as soon as possible in GIT Forestry's blog, but you can also reach Eucalyptologics updates via Twitter and Facebook.
2011 Japan Earthquake Aftermath: Critical situation may affect Japanese Pulp & Paper production
Gustavo Iglesias Trabado GIT Forestry Consulting SL - Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal- www.git-forestry.com - EUCALYPTOLOGICS
The Earthquake offshore Honshu Island in Japan this morning may have affected severely or moderately the area hosting a significant part of the capacity for pulp and paper making of the country, after reaching intensities reaching 8.9 Richter. The epicenter, 170 km away from Sendai in the North Eastern coast of Japan and the devastation caused by the quake and the 10 meter wave height Tsunami suggest that at least 10 major pulp & paper industrial complexes standing in a radius lower than 250 kilometers may have been directly damaged or effected.
Over 25 additional Japanese integrated pulp and paper mill industrial complexes stand in a radius lower than 500 km from the epicenter of the Sindai Earthquake and may have also been impacted.
Fig 1: 03/2011 Earthquake Impact on Japanese Pulp & Paper Industry Map, a preliminary outlook to industrial complexes potentially affected (March 11th 17:00 CET). A larger version is available from GIT Forestry Consultingupon request (just contact us).
With a population of nearly 127 million souls, a per capita paper consumption ratio around 250 kg of paper per person and year, and one of the highest ratios of paper recovery and recycling in the world, the potential impacts of heavy industrial damage on the pulp and paper production chain of Japan may significantly effect the global supply and demand of recovered paper, local cellulosic pulp, market pulp and several segments of types of "virgin" paper during 2011.
This preliminary assessment of potential impacts on pulp and paper in the aftermath of Japan's 2011 Earthquake has been already shared by Eucalyptologics with relevant organizations in Japan, the European Union and the United States to help work out the details and predict the future evolution of this strategic economic and industrial sector for all.
From Eucalyptologics, we would like to express our condolences and our sympathy to the people of Japan. Few nations are so prepared to overcome such a catastrophe as you are: Japan may be flooded, but it will not sink. Japan may be shaken, but it will not crash down. Today, we all are Japanese.
We will try to keep you updated with any available information as soon as possible in GIT Forestry's blog, but you can also reach Eucalyptologics updates via Twitter and Facebook.
Predictably, the double catastrophic event (8.9 Richter Miyagiken-Oki Earthquake + 10 meter Tsunami) has caused significant impacts on the Pulp & Paper mills in NorthEastern Japan, especially those located in Iwati, Miyagi, Akita, Fukushima & Tochigi Prefectures, but also temporarily effected other industrial complexes in Central Japan, at distances of 400 km from the earthquake epicenter.
Fig 2: 14/03/2011 Earthquake Impact on Japanese Pulp & Paper Industry Map, a First Damage Report to Industrial Complexes Effected (March 14th 12:00 CET). A larger version is available from GIT Forestry Consultingupon request (just contact us).
According to the earliest reports, the heaviest damage includes flooding of factories by the tsunami, structural damage, fire damage and pulp & paper stock losses. At least 7 mills have stopped operations in the immediate aftermath of the catastrophe.
In addition to the damage & problems within the mills, four main threats compromise the normal industrial activity of these and other factories: (1) Collapse of land transport infrastructure due to earthquake damage; (2) Collapse of sea transport infrastructure due to port damage due to the tsunami; (3) Power outages & electricity quotas available while Japanese authorities deal with the nuclear energy capacity off the grid; and (4) Potential nuclear risks if the situation at Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant deteriorates.
We will try to keep you updated with further developments as soon as newer information is available.
At least 13 Pulp & Paper mill industrial complexes are reported to have been impacted by the Miyagiken-Oki Earthquake and aftermath Tsunami, forcing a stop to all operations. Since then, 2 have restarted operation, leaving the impacted integrated mill toll at a minimum of 11.
Fig 3: 14/03/2011 Earthquake Impact on Japanese Pulp & Paper Industry Map, a First Damage Report to Industrial Complexes Effected (March 14th 21:00 CET). A larger version is available from GIT Forestry Consultingupon request (just contact us).
With the keen help of RISI, the leading information provider for the global forest industry, which provided the missing pieces of the initial puzzle, a first estimation of medium term impact on Japan's pulp & paper production capacity stands at 3.4 Million tonnes of cellulosic pulp (several grades), and also 3.4 million tonnes of paper, paperboard and carboard (different grades) for a total of 6.8 Million tonnes /year of industrial capacity impacted.
It is expected this first initial estimated impact may increase in the short term after the inspections of other 15 pulp & paper mills within those areas experiencing severe or moderate damage from the Earthquake are completed.
We will try to keep you updated with further developments as soon as newer information is available.
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