We start here a thread depicting Eucalyptus cultivation around the world. Some 200 years after their discovery eucalypts have become some of the most important travelling plants in human history, introduced in countries in all continents. Their importance as source of timber and non timber products, as landscape elements, as ornamental plants, is one of the outstanding contributions of Australia to the world.
Southern Australia

Saudi Arabia







© 2007-2008 Gustavo Iglesias Trabado. Please contact us if you want to use all or part of this text and photography elsewhere. We like to share, and the other authors too, but we do not like rudeness.










We will be adding here a list of contributing authors. We hope it grows!
Diron, F. (Eucalyptushaven.dk); ITG Services Ltd (Trek!Peru); Jordan, G. J. (UTAS); McConnell, A. (Celyn Vale); Lal, P. (Pragati Biotechnologies); Lambert, J. (Woollybutt Pty Ltd); Midgley, S. J. (CSIRO); Pinilla Suárez, J.C. (INFOR); Prins, H. (de Groene Prins); Ritter, M. (CalPoly); Rouw, M. (EucalyptusKwekerij Koala); Turnbull, J. W. (ACIAR); Turner, L. (Emu Ridge)...
Contribute to Eucalyptus International
Wherever you are, consider sharing your images with us to enlarge this thread depicting Eucalyptus cultivation around the world and help creating an international online gallery: Eucalyptus, the global plants. But please, not just trees. People, and trees. Simply contact us, and we will find the best way to receive your images to later add them to the thread.

EUCALYPTOLOGICS brings you as part of our Global Resource Maps a visual summary of the key statistics for Eucalyptus based cultivated forests around the world. If you are in need for an answer to the question "how many planted hectares of Eucalyptus have been established?", be it at a global level or for a particular country, this resource is expected to be useful to you.
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© 2007-2008 Gustavo Iglesias Trabado. Please contact us if you want to use all or part of this text and photography elsewhere. We like to share, and the other authors too, but we do not like rudeness.
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