Here you have other three examples of cold hardy ornamental Eucalyptus. These gum trees are not, as we saw in a previous entry, destined to become specimen plants in big containers. These are for direct planting into convenient garden designs in USDA Zone 8. Some of these species would tolerate appropriate microclimates of USDA Zone 7 gardens too.

Cold tolerance: -8ºC to -12ºC
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Cold tolerance: -3ºC to -8ºC
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Cold tolerance: -15ºC to -20ºC
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Some types of Eucalypts can reach noticeable sizes in few years if planted out and not subject to size control by the adecuate interventions of pruning and/or pollarding, so our recommended post-planting management is highly dependant on your garden size, available free space and desired plant shape to match the desired combination with other plants or elements of your garden design.
Please remember these operations do require some caution to avoid undesired effects.
Forget about "just some type of timber trees" and remember Eucalyptus can be one of the most rewarding ornamentals worldwide!
Contact GIT Forestry Consulting - Eucalyptologics
Please remember these operations do require some caution to avoid undesired effects.
Forget about "just some type of timber trees" and remember Eucalyptus can be one of the most rewarding ornamentals worldwide!

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© 2007 Gustavo Iglesias Trabado. Please contact us if you want to use all or part of this text and photography elsewhere. We like to share, but we do not like rudeness.
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