Gustavo Iglesias Trabado

GIT Forestry Consulting - Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal - - EUCALYPTOLOGICS
Since 2001, GIT Forestry Consulting has been establishing bonds with research organisations, corporate firms, governmental agencies, private enterprises and individuals around the world with interests in genus Eucalyptus, its history, study, preservation, sustainable cultivation and industrial use.

Eucalyptic Links

- GIT Forestry Consulting - from Galicia in Northwestern Spain
- CIS-Madeira - Centro de Innovación y Servicios Tecnológicos de la Madera de Galicia (Spain)
- Dirección Xeral de Montes e Industrias Forestais - Consellería do Medio Rural. Xunta de Galicia (Spain)
- UXFS/USC - Sustainable Forestry Unit - Escuela Politécnica Superior. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
- Asociación MONTE-INDUSTRIA - Galician forestry press review with Juan Picos (Spain)
- BIBLIOFOR - Spanish Forestry Bibliographic Database - from the forests of Girona with Jacobo Ruíz (Spain)
- CIDEU - Centro de Investigación y Documentación del Eucalipto - from the forests of Huelva with Patricia Alesso (Spain)
- NOVEDADES FORESTALES - Forestry Bulletin from INTA Concordia by Martín Sánchez Acosta (Argentina)
- Currency Creek Eucalyptetum - Best collection in the world by Dean Nicolle (Southern Australia)
- Eucalyptus Online Book & Newsletter - Eucalyptic Wisdom with Celso Foelkel at Grau Celsius (Brazil)
- EUCAGEN: The International Eucalyptus Genome Network - Insights from the Genomic Research Consortium with Zander Myburg (South Africa)
- PrimaBio - Eucalyptus Specialists - with John Purse (UK)
- - Howard Lloyd's Eucalyptus nursery (France)
- - Frank Diron's Eucalyptus and Exotic Plants Nursery at Fanø (Denmark)
- Earlscliffe Gardens - a magnificient garden and Eucalyptus collection near Dublin with David Robinson (Ireland)
- - Rainbow Eucalyptus from the gardens of Florida, with Aroidia Research (USA)
- SermaforChile: Ingeniería y Servicios de Manejo Forestal - with Gutiérrez & Urrutia in Los Ángeles, Angol & Temuco (Chile)
- The Desert Northwest - Plant Adventures with Ian Barclay near Seattle (USA)
- Dipton Eucalyptus - with Heather & Graham Milligan in Southland (NZ)
- Hardy Eucalyptus Board - Public forum for discussion, by Ian Barclay (USA)
- Eucalypts in Habitat - Australian landscapes with Phil in Sydney (Australia)
- Eucalyptus, an open Woodland - Australian landscapes with Brewer & Tiley in Melbourne (Australia)
- Bob's Eucalyptus - Australian Gardening in British Columbia (Canada)
- Biohabitats Inc. News Section, from Baltimore (USA)
- - Saving the footprints of Citizen Labillardière (Tasmania)
Exotic Plant Links

- Australian Plants Online - the online magazine of the ASGAP (Australia)
- Dendroimage - Dendrological Plant Image Gallery & Arboretum with Gerd Seehawer (Germany)
- Exoten und Garten - Exotic Plant Discussion Board with Thomas von Hamburg (Germany)
- Gary's Nursery - Palm Paradise in New Bern with Gary Hollar (USA)
- Growing On The - Exotic Plant Discussion Board with Peter Richardson (Australia)
- GUMNUTS, the ASGAP Blog - with Brian Walters (Australia)
- Hardy Palm & Subtropical Board - Exotic plants accross the States - with Bob in Winston-Salem (USA)
- - Palm & Subtropical Forum (USA)
- Lullingstone Castle - Gardening The World with Tom Hart Dyke (UK)
- - Tecklenburg's Exotengarten with Jost Wallis (Germany)
- Nautesund Plantesalg - Rhododendron & Exotic Plants with Håkon Vangsnes (Norway)
- The Australasian Plant Society - ANZACS overseas with Jeff Irons (UK)
- The Hebe Society - NZ Plants take over the world with Tony Hayter (UK)
- The Palm Centre - Palms, bamboo, bananas, ferns & other exotics with Martin Gibbons (UK)
- The Polar Palms Nursery - Exotics in the Snow with Kiril Donov (Bulgaria)
- The UK Oasis - Tropical & Exotic Plants with Paul Spracklin (UK)
- Triple Oaks Nursery & Herb Garden - Exotic plants in New Jersey with Joe Kiefer (USA)
- Tropengarten - Exotic Plants in Wuppertal with Michael Lorek (Germany)

- FAO - Forestry Department (Italy - International)
- IUFRO - International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (Austria - International)
- ITTO - International Tropical Timber Organization (Japan - International)
- INTA - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina)
- CRC for Forestry - Cooperative Research Centre for Forestry (Australia)
- CSIRO - ENSIS - NZFRI (Australia/New Zealand)
- DSE - Department of Sustainability and Environment of Victoria (Australia)
- Forestry Tasmania (Australia)
- RSC-ANU - Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University (Australia)
- School of Forest and Ecosystem Science, University of Melbourne (Australia)
- School of Plant Science, University of Tasmania (Australia)
- NSW Forests - State Forests of New South Wales (Australia)
- Grau Celsius (Brazil)
- ESALQ - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brazil)
- Arauco S.A. (Chile)
- INFOR - Instituto Forestal (Chile)
- Forestal Mininco S.A. (Chile)
- CMPC - Forestal y Agrícola Monteáguila S.A. (Chile)
- GAF - Grupo de Acción Forestal, Universidad de Talca (Chile)
- CAF - Chinese Academy of Forestry (China)
- NEPCon - Nature, Ecology and People Consult (Denmark)
- Skov & Landskab, Københavns Universitet (Denmark)
- Sino Forest Corporation (Hong Kong)
- JIRCAS - Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (Japan)
- Oji Paper Co. Ltd (Japan)
- RAIZ - Instituto de Investigaçao da Floresta e Papel (Portugal)
- Faculty of Wood Science and Technology - Technical University Zvolen (Slovakia)
- CSIR - Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (South Africa)
- ICFR - Institute for Commercial Forestry Research (South Africa)
- CIAM - Centro de Investigacións Agrarias de Mabegondo (Spain)
- CIFA - Centro de Investigacións Forestais e Ambientais de Lourizán (Spain)
- CIS-Madera - Centro de Investigación y Servicios Tecnológicos de la Madera de Galicia (Spain)
- Departamento de Ingeniería Agroforestal, USC (Spain)
- Departamento de Ingeniería de los Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente, Universidad de Vigo (Spain)
- Departamento de Producción Vegetal, USC (Spain)
- Grupo ENCE (Spain)
- NORFOR - Norte Forestal S.A. (Spain)
- Department of Marine Ecology, Göteborg University (Sweden)
- OFI - Oxford Forestry Institute (UK)
- INIA - Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (Uruguay)
- FOSA - Forestal Oriental S.A. - Botnia Group (Uruguay)
- Biological Sciences Department, CalPoly (USA)
- School of Forest Resource Conservation, University of Florida (USA)
- Others we cannot recall now, but surely exist!
- More modest profiled Eucalyptus related experts, companies and organizations in five continents. Because the smaller matter.
- Amenity, horticultural and forestry oriented individual Eucalyptus growers in five continents. Because the smallest matter the most.
- Eucalyptus: The Giants of Spain & Portugal (HISTORY)
- Eucalyptus, not just timber: ecological restoration via phytoremediation (ECOLOGY)
- Eucalyptus paulistana: The Brazilian Giant, Navarro de Andrade (HISTORY)
- Pruning ornamental eucalypts: Eucalyptus gunnii example (HORTICULTURE)
- Cold hardy Eucalyptus forestry in Galicia (II): when snow comes... (FORESTRY)
- By their fruits ye shall know them: Small tips on Eucalyptus Identification (BOTANY)
- 100% Eucalyptus timber built home in Galicia (INDUSTRY)
- Cold hardy Eucalyptus dalrympleana in Galicia (NW Spain) ... and elsewhere (GENETICS)
- Growing Eucalyptus from seed: it is in the details (HORTICULTURE)
- Eucalyptus: coastal rainforests in Galicia (Spain) (FORESTRY)
- Growing Eucalyptus from seed: it is in the details (HORTICULTURE)
- By their fruits ye shall know them: Small tips on Eucalyptus Identification (BOTANY)
- Eucalyptus in Brazil: Life of a Clone (FORESTRY)
- Eucalyptus Clonal Nursery: Rooting Cuttings Video (HORTICULTURE)
- Eucalyptus: The Giants of Spain & Portugal (HISTORY)
- Pruning ornamental eucalypts: Eucalyptus gunnii example (HORTICULTURE)
- Eucalyptus International: global plants (PHOTOGRAPHY)
- "Oldest tree in the world" found in Sweden (and it is no Eucalyptus!) (ECOLOGY)
- Giant Karri Eucalyptus discovered in California (BOTANY)
- Snow Gums: cold hardy Eucalyptus from Alpine Australia. Notes on taxonomy and cultivation in cold temperate climates (HORTICULTURE)
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© 2008 Gustavo Iglesias Trabado. Please contact us if you want to use all or part of this text and photography elsewhere. We like to share, but we do not like rudeness.
2 Comments by our readers :::
Felicitaciones por su blog, está muy completo e interesante, si lo permiten voy a poner un enlace en mi blog que es:
y se llama Colotlán y sus árboles. Colotlán está en Jalisco, México
Agradecidos por sus amabilidad. Hemos colocado un enlace a Colotlán y sus Árboles en la columna "Tree Stories..." de Eucalyptologics (menu de la izquierda). Mucha suerte con su proyecto de divulgación online y fuerte abrazo a México.
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