The small digital seed we placed in the digital world three years ago, hidden in the blogosphere forest, has grown once again! After some neglection during late 2009 and later a bit more of careful nurturing during early 2010, EUCALYPTOLOGICS, the weblog providing information resources on sustainable Eucalyptus cultivation around the world... is in the way to become a nicely growing sapling!
As of May 2010, we have reached 155 countries. That is already more than the total of countries around the world growing Eucalyptus at a commercial scale!.

Main Audience Hubs of EUCALYPTOLOGICS by Year 3: USA, the European Union, Australia & Brazil dominate. But The network is growing!! Data courtesy Google Analytics (Click image to enlarge)
As usual with almost any online resource, the largest pool of readers keeps arriving to us from the USA . One year ago we witnessed the boom of EUCALYPTOLOGICS in South America, with a 470% of audience growth. This year of the Crisis EUCALYPTOLOGICS readership has instead grown a +193% (!!) in Eastern Europe, a +155% both in India & Africa and a +134% in South East Asia; while keeping growing steadily in the European Union, North America & Australia. Growth for audience in South America has only increased lightly, but Brazilian readers have become a consistent 5th power in just one year!

Geographic distribution of EUCALYPTOLOGICS readers by Year 3: USA, Spain, Australia, the UK, Brazil & Germany dominate. But some other 150 countries show significant interest in our online content, including France, Canada, Portugal, India, Argentina, Sweden, the Netherlands, Mexico and Chile. Data courtesy Google Analytics
Following the same trend of 2008, during 2009 and 2010, EUCALYPTOLOGICS has received especially interesting visitors too: +400 Academic Organizations (Universities, Colleges, High Schools, etc), +425 relevant Corporate Firms (Forestry & other Primary Resources, Industry & Services, Biotechnology, etc) and +225 Governmental Agencies (Local, Regional, National and International) have joined our growing wooden boat at some point last year.
You can have a look at an old Visitor List if interested, as example of who is looking for information on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world, besides the many thousands of interested individuals arriving to us from their homes, private networks and lately, mobile phones!
Many thanks to all our readers for making it possible! Without you this would not make sense!
Top 20 Stories at Eucalyptologics (Year 3: 2009-2010)
1) By their fruits ye shall know em: Eucalyptus species identification

2) Eucalyptus Cultivation: Global Map 2008

3) Eucalyptus Bonsai: grow them indoors

4) Global Eucalyptus Map 2009... in Buenos Aires!

Or how the Global Eucalyptus Map 2009 Special Edition ended at the XIII World Forestry Congress... and it later made the news in the Brazilian TV!
5) Pruning ornamental eucalypts: Eucalyptus gunnii example

6) Eucalyptus seed: harvest the right fruits

Or how harvesting the right Eucalyptus seed makes sense for tree growing... from more than one point of view!
7) Growing Eucalyptus from Seed: the Devil is in the details

8) Centurion: World's Tallest Eucalyptus tree found

9) Tallest tree in Africa climbed. You guessed... Eucalyptus!

10) Eucalyptus: the Giants of Spain and Portugal

11) Galician Eucalyptus: What Timber Means

12) Dalrymple Who? Discovering Galician Eucalyptus Landraces

13) Eucalyptus in India: Timber and Wheat Polyculture
14) The Fallen Forests: Legacy of Storm Klaus over Eucalyptus, Pines and Poplars of South Western Europe

15) Eucalyptus flowers: E. pauciflora in bloom

Snow Gums: cold hardy Eucalyptus from Alpine Australia. Some notes on taxonomy and cultivation in cold temperate climates... and then More Notes!
16) Cold hardy Eucalyptus hybrids... in the Danish Fjords!

17) 100% Eucalyptus timber built home in Galicia (NW Spain)

A catalogue of architectural, decorative and furniture uses of Eucalyptus globulus timber... high value noble wood of Galicia!
18) Container Grown Ornamental Eucalyptus: Add an Australian Touch to Your Garden

19) Eucalyptus paulistana: The Brazilian Giant Navarro de Andrade

20) Eucalyptus International: Global Plants

Photo Gallery depicting eucalypt cultivation in many countries around the world
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© 2007-2010 Gustavo Iglesias Trabado. Please contact us if you want to use all or part of this text and photography elsewhere. We like to share, but we do not like rudeness.
3 Comments by our readers :::
Three years in an Eucalyptus means a lot more than "in the way to become a nicely growing sapling!"
Felicidades mis amigos, gran trabajo están haciendo... que sean muchos más creciendo como un eucalipto..
happy birthday eucalyptologics... i hope you continue your services uninterrupted...
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