Ornamental Eucalyptus: specialised Nursery Production
Gustavo Iglesias Trabado

GIT Forestry Consulting - Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal - www.git-forestry.com - EUCALYPTOLOGICS
We bring you today yet other four presentation examples of several types of cold hardy ornamental Eucalyptus. Some of these gum trees are specimen plants in big containers suitable for display at garden centres or urban landscaping and requiring special care in this case. Others of these container grown plants are suitable for direct planting into convenient garden designs but requiring appropriate maintenance operations post-planting.

All these eucalypt types can thrive in USDA Zone 8 and some can tolerate USDA Zone 7 winters in gardens with appropriate microclimates. Most Eucalyptus benefit from full sun exposure and suitable protection from wind damage during their first years.
Wanna know how?
Complementary to timber oriented eucalypt experience GIT Forestry Consulting's team of Agronomic and Forestry Engineers has conducted horticultural trials in Northwestern Spain with select germplasm of over 30 Eucalyptus types having ornamental potential in both temperate humid Atlantic and Mediterranean climates, and has sorted out detailed individualised solutions to adapt successful productive process engineering to different nursery infrastructures and industrial scale plant production schemes. An interesting range of potential products for the ornamental plant market has been obtained matching high quality standards.
This know how (what + when + how + why + how much) and our ability to organise training courses for your nursery staff is now available via consulting agreement to experienced wholesale and specialist ornamental plant nurseries interested in joining cooperative strategies for production and commercialization.
If interested, we are happy to hear from you. Just fill the form and provide us with full contact details and a short description of your company's activity.
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© 2007 Gustavo Iglesias Trabado. Please contact us if you want to use all or part of this text and photography elsewhere. We like to share, but we do not like rudeness.
1 Comments by our readers :::
Hi Gus
Again we are so impressed with your work. Keep up the great presentations.
Heather Milligan from the bottom of the world in New Zealand.
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