Target Accomplished!
Just a couple weeks ago we started a corporate sponsorship programme with a nice objective in mind: Putting a free high quality printed copy of the Global Eucalyptus Map in the hands of each attendee to the World Forestry Congress. This way an interesting chunk of key international forestry people, academics, industry people, trade people, forestry students, and visitors in general, would have access to the latest information about the state of the art for Eucalyptus cultivation around the world!
Working continuously and against the clock we have managed to update, re-design, pre-print, print & ship to Buenos Aires several thousand colour-printed copies of the Global Eucalyptus Map 2009.

Proof print for the Global Eucalyptus Map 2009. (Click to enlarge)
Thanks to the collaboration of Sino-Forest Corporation (China); the CIDEU - Spanish Centre for Eucalyptus Research & Documentation, Sino - Maple Corporation (Canada); the ABTCP - Brazilian Technical Association for Cellulosic Pulp & Paper (Brazil); Grau Celsius / Celsius Degree (Brazil); Mundial Forestación SA (Uruguay); Asociación Monte - Industria, the Galician Forestry-Industry Association (Spain) & GIT Forestry Consulting (Spain), this target has been accomplished!

From October 19th to 23d visitors from the four corners of the world attending to the XIII World Forestry Congress will receive in Buenos Aires their printed copy gift, and have access to the latest-available geographic information on Eucalyptus plantations worldwide. Look for us, and you'll get the map! Or, look for the map, and you'll get the map!
Courtesy of ABTCP, from October 26th to 29th, each of the visitors attending to the 42nd International Congress & Exhibition on Cellulosic Pulp & Paper will also receive in Sao Paulo a printed copy of this corporate gift. So, look for us, and you'll get the map! Or, look for the map, and you'll get the map!
How it was done...

"Handy" ISO DIN A3 sized colour printed copies of the Global Eucalyptus Map 2009: A corporate gift from GIT Forestry Consulting SL & Sponsors to the attendees to the 13th World Forestry Congress (Buenos Aires, 18 to 23 October 2009) and to the attendees to the 42nd International Congress & Exhibition on Cellulosic Pulp & Paper ( Sao Paulo, 26 to 29 October 2009).
Your gift has been printed on high quality FSC Certified Cyclus Offset recycled paper supplied by Grupo Torras. Part of its fibers may well have been once Eucalyptus globulus timber grown in the coastal "rainforests" of Galicia. So, all in all, you can get an Eucalyptus map printed on Eucalyptus paper!

"Large" ISO DIN A-1 sized colour prints: A Limited Series of the Global Eucalyptus Map 2009 also available... in limited numbers!. And an "Extra-large" Display Copy DIN 2xA-0! (Click image to enlarge)
Printing work was carried on by the great professionals at GRAFINCO. Grafinco is a small graphic art printer and a non-for-profit educational centre established to aid the integration of persons with disabilities into the graphic industry. From GIT Forestry & Eucalyptologics we want to express our gratitude to them for their excellent work & we remember each receiver of the map that simply by receiving it they are contributing to a great cause.

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© 2007-2009 Gustavo Iglesias Trabado. Please contact us if you want to use all or part of this text and photography elsewhere. We like to share, but we do not like rudeness.
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