
Hi-Tech Mechanised Timber Harvest Workshop


CRC for Forestry - Management of Mechanised Forestry Operations: Churchill Workshop, Victoria, July 2010 / Mark Brown (MelbUni - Creswick), Martin Strandgard (MelbUni - Parkville), Brad Shuttleworth (Forestry Solutions - South Africa), Jon Dey (Forme Consulting) / GIT Forestry Consulting SL / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro and Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo

A working technical event providing you with an overview and insights into managing KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in mechanized forest harvesting, how to manage the information available from on-board computers, an overview of tools available to improve management of mechanized harvesting, and a visit to a research trial of harvesting management technology.

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Sawmilling Eucalyptus globulus: a Galician tradition


Eucalyptus globulus: a noble wood from Galician planted forests (II)

Gustavo Iglesias Trabado Contact GIT Forestry Consulting SL / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro and Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo
GIT Forestry Consulting SL - Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal - www.git-forestry.com - EUCALYPTOLOGICS

After depicting how the Eucalyptus planted forests of Galicia in Northern Spain have yielded over 1500 million € to tree growers in the last cultivation cycle, and having seen how this renewable source of one of the best wood fibers in the world for papermaking is also able to source high value wood for complementary industrial lines, we took on a trip to the Arousa Mussel Empire to see how the industrial acquaculture of Galician seafood is built on Eucalyptus globulus beams, and why over 10,000 jobs in the fisheries sector would not exist without Eucalyptus plantations.

Today we will keep walking along the timber ecosystem to show you how plantation grown E. globulus logs become sawntimber, and how those solidwood products keep generating added value and jobs, besides unique organic, renewable, recyclable and environmentally friendly shapes, colours and textures: we will start exploring the nobility of Galician eucalypts.

Galician Eucalyptus Globulus Sawn Timber Slabs and Planks / Tasmanian timber industry visits High Value Eucalyptus plantations, Eucalyptus sawmills and Mussel Acquaculture industrial Bateas in Galicia / Forestry Tasmania technical visit to Galicia / Forestry Tasmania, McKay Timber and Britton Timbers visit Galician HVS - Hijos de Vicente Suarez Eucalyptus globulus sawmill / Tabla y Tablon de Eucalipto de Galicia / Industria forestal de Tasmania visita plantaciones, aserraderos e industria acuicola del mejillon de batea de Galicia / Visita tecnica de Forestry Tasmania a Galicia / Industrilaes del aserrio de Australia McKay Timber y Britton Timbers visitan aserradero de eucalipto de HVS - Hijos de Vicente Suarez / GIT Forestry Consulting SL / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro and Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo
Fig. 1: IFA President Dr. Peter Volker standing on plantation grown Tasmanian Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus) lumber grade logs at HVS Sawmill Woodyard (Galicia, Spain). The Tasmanian Floral Emblem has been milled for high value solidwood uses in Northern Spain for over 70 years. (Click image to enlarge)

It all starts with a wood log. That wonderful piece of a tree efficiently and naturally built from light, water and carbon recycled from soil and air. For the case of Northern Spain, such logs are sourced today from productive tree plantations established along the developing coastal Eucalyptus rainforest of Galicia during the 20th century. Wooden fruits of the tireless work of dozens of thousands of tree growers, landowners and silviculturalists, carried on voluntarily at their previously nearly treeless properties.

Galician Eucalyptus Globulus Sawn Timber Slabs and Planks / Tasmanian timber industry visits High Value Eucalyptus plantations, Eucalyptus sawmills and Mussel Acquaculture industrial Bateas in Galicia / Forestry Tasmania technical visit to Galicia / Forestry Tasmania, McKay Timber and Britton Timbers visit Galician HVS - Hijos de Vicente Suarez Eucalyptus globulus sawmill / Tabla y Tablon de Eucalipto de Galicia / Industria forestal de Tasmania visita plantaciones, aserraderos e industria acuicola del mejillon de batea de Galicia / Visita tecnica de Forestry Tasmania a Galicia / Industrilaes del aserrio de Australia McKay Timber y Britton Timbers visitan aserradero de eucalipto de HVS - Hijos de Vicente Suarez / GIT Forestry Consulting SL / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro and Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo
Fig. 2: Galician plantation grown Eucalyptus globulus high value lumber grade log entering the sawmilling process at HVS - Hijos de Vicente Suárez Sawmill to become solidwood eucalypt made slabs and planks. The adopted Australian wonder trees roughly mean 50% of Galicia's yearly timber harvests and 25% of Spain's yearly timber harvests. (Click image to enlarge)

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Brazil Eucalyptus Laboratory: Modelling Productivity


Eucalyptus Ecology & Environmental Sustainability : it is about Science

Jose Luiz Stape (North Carolina State University), Dan Binkley (Colorado State University), Mike Ryan (USDA) et al / BEPP - Brazil Eucalyptus Potential Productivity Project: Influence of water, nutrients and stand uniformity on wood production / BEPP - Proyecto de Modelizacion de la Productividad Potencial del Eucalipto: Influencia de la disponibilidad de agua, nutrientes y la homogeneidad del rodal en la produccion de madera / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro and Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo

Stape JL, Binkley D, Ryan MG, Fonseca S, Loos RA, Takahashi EN, Silva CR, Silva SR, Hakamada RE, Ferreira JM de A, Lima AMN, Gava JL, Leite FP, Andrade HB, Alves JM, Silva GGC, Azevedo MR. (2010) The Brazil Eucalyptus Potential Productivity Project: Influence of water, nutrients and stand uniformity on wood production. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 1684-1694. (Click image to enlarge)

Eucalyptus crops: Tree Stocking and Wood Productivity / Plantaciones de eucalipto: densidad del arbolado y productividad de madera / Jose Luiz Stape (North Carolina State University), Dan Binkley (Colorado State University), Mike Ryan (USDA) et al / BEPP - Brazil Eucalyptus Potential Productivity Project: Influence of water, nutrients and stand uniformity on wood production / BEPP - Proyecto de Modelizacion de la Productividad Potencial del Eucalipto: Influencia de la disponibilidad de agua, nutrientes y la homogeneidad del rodal en la produccion de madera / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro and Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo
Fig. 1: BEPP (Brazilian Eucalyptus Potential Productivity) Field Forestry Laboratory: Different clonal Eucalyptus tree stocking areas are subject to variations of availability of light, water and nutrients to simulate different silvicultural practices, different cultivation areas along Brazil and different genotypes for Eucalyptus tree crops.

Eucalyptus Field Laboratory Design and Layout / Laboratorio Forestal del Eucalipto, Diseño Experimental / Jose Luiz Stape (North Carolina State University), Dan Binkley (Colorado State University), Mike Ryan (USDA) et al / BEPP - Brazil Eucalyptus Potential Productivity Project: Influence of water, nutrients and stand uniformity on wood production / BEPP - Proyecto de Modelizacion de la Productividad Potencial del Eucalipto: Influencia de la disponibilidad de agua, nutrientes y la homogeneidad del rodal en la produccion de madera / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro and Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo
Fig. 2: Brazilian BEPP Eucalyptus Field Laboratory: Different experimental designs are applied to the range of tree stocking plots in order to gain insight and be able to predict how and in which amounts do clonal Eucalyptus plantations use the available building materials (light, water, nutrients) to produce woody biomass in fast growing timber crops.

ResearchBlogging.orgBinkley, D., Laclau, J., Stape, J., & Ryan, M. (2010). Applying ecological insights to increase productivity in tropical plantations Forest Ecology and Management, 259 (9), 1681-1683 DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2010.01.023

ResearchBlogging.orgRyan, M., Stape, J., Binkley, D., Fonseca, S., Loos, R., Takahashi, E., Silva, C., Silva, S., Hakamada, R., & Ferreira, J. (2010). Factors controlling Eucalyptus productivity: How water availability and stand structure alter production and carbon allocation Forest Ecology and Management, 259 (9), 1695-1703 DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2010.01.013

ResearchBlogging.orgBinkley, D., Stape, J., Bauerle, W., & Ryan, M. (2010). Explaining growth of individual trees: Light interception and efficiency of light use by Eucalyptus at four sites in Brazil Forest Ecology and Management, 259 (9), 1704-1713 DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2009.05.037

ResearchBlogging.orgHubbard, R., Stape, J., Ryan, M., Almeida, A., & Rojas, J. (2010). Effects of irrigation on water use and water use efficiency in two fast growing Eucalyptus plantations Forest Ecology and Management, 259 (9), 1714-1721 DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2009.10.028

ResearchBlogging.orgAlmeida, A., Siggins, A., Batista, T., Beadle, C., Fonseca, S., & Loos, R. (2010). Mapping the effect of spatial and temporal variation in climate and soils on Eucalyptus plantation production with 3-PG, a process-based growth model Forest Ecology and Management, 259 (9), 1730-1740 DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2009.10.008


Eucalyptus Timber Productivity in Brazil, courtesy of Universidade Federal de Viçosa and Arborgen / Mapa de Productividad Forestal del Eucalipto en Brasil, cortesia de la Universidad Federal de Viçosa y Arborgen / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro and Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo

Obama in Oslo for Nobel Prize for Peace / Obama praises Lula and Norway for Amazon Fund and fight against deforestation and climate change / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro and Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo / Image courtesy SVT, Sweden Television

Policultivo de fibra de madera de eucalipto en Brasil / Ecologistas mono cultivan el analfabetismo / por Xusto de Andrade / Eucalyptus fibre polyculture in Brazil / Environmentalists mono cultivate analphabetism / by Xusto de Andrade

World Record Eucalyptus woodchip digester at FIBRIA Jacarei Pulp and Paper Mill, Sao Paulo, Brazil / Digestor de astillas de eucalipto en la fabrica de celulosa y papel de FIBRIA en Jacarei, San Pablo, Brasil / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro and Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo

Eucalyptus roundwood pulp paper data for Brazil / Charta Eucalyptica Brasiliensis 2008 / Eucalyptus in Brazil, forestry statistics 2008 / ABRAF Anuario Estatistico 2008 / ABRAF Statistic Yearbook 2008 / ABRAF - Associaciao Brasileira de Produtores de Florestas Plantadas / STCP Engenheria de Projetos Ltda / DC10 Comunicaçao / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo

Global Eucalyptus Map 2009 / Eucalyptus cultivated forests worldwide map 2009 / Eucalyptus cultivation map 2009 / Eucalypt forests in the world / Mapa de plantaciones de eucalipto en el mundo 2009 / Mapa de cultivo de eucalipto en el mundo / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro & Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo

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Contact GIT Forestry Consulting / Contact Eucalyptologics / Contacto GIT Forestry Consulting / Contacto Eucalyptologics / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado y Asociados / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo

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EUCALYPTOLOGICS: GIT Forestry Consulting Eucalyptus Blog / Information Resources on Eucalyptus Cultivation Worldwide / Forestry Engineering, Eucalyptus Seed, Eucalyptus Plants, Eucalyptus Wood, Eucalyptus Honey, Eucalyptus Essential Oil, Eucalyptus Forests, Eucalyptus Plantations, Eucalyptus Timber, Eucalyptus Lumber, Eucalyptus Furniture, Eucalyptus Veneer, Eucalyptus Plywood, Eucalyptus MDF Board, Eucalyptus Cellulose, Eucalyptus Paper, Eucalyptus Biomass, Eucalyptus Energy, Eucalyptus Floristry, Eucalyptus Foliage, Eucalyptus Garden / Ingenieria Forestal, Semilla de eucalipto, Plantas de eucalipto, Madera de eucalipto, Miel de eucalipto, Aceite Esencial de eucalipto, Bosque de eucalipto, Plantacion de eucalipto, Muebles de eucalipto, Tablero de eucalipto, MDF de eucalipto, Celulosa de eucalipto, Papel de eucalipto, Biomasa de eucalipto, Energia de eucalipto, Ramillo Verde Ornamental de Eucalipto, Jardin de Eucalipto / / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado y Asociados / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo

GIT's Eucalyptology Topics

© 2007-2010 Gustavo Iglesias Trabado. Please contact us if you want to use all or part of this text and photography elsewhere. We like to share, but we do not like rudeness.

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