
Seoul 2010: World Forest Researchers get together


XXIII IUFRO World Congress, Seoul, Korea, August 2010 / XIII Congreso Mundial de IUFRO, Seul, Corea, Agosto 2010 / IUFRO, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations / The Global Network for Forest Science Cooperation / IUFRO, non-profit, non-governmental international network of forest scientists, promotes global cooperation in forest-related research and enhances the understanding of the ecological, economic and social aspects of forests and trees

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Storm Xynthia: European Forests Damage Map (March 2010)


Storm Xynthia's Legacy: Over 4 million cubic metres Stormwood in the European Union

From February 27th to 28th 2010 the 228 km/h strong wind and rainstorm Xynthia hit Western Europe in a fast trip Northwards along the Atlantic coast, causing 65 fatalities and widespread material damage. As the first week after the event passed, it unveiled also a grim outlook for European forests from Galicia in Northwest Spain to the Baltic Sea, as stormwood accumulates near the hurricane pathway in Spain, France & Germany.

Storm Xynthia Europe Forests Damage and Stormwood Map for Galicia, Basque Country, Aquitaine, Ardennes, Vosges, Meuse, Saar, Rheineland, Palatinate, Westfalia, Bavaria, Thuringia, Harz, Hesse, +4 million cubic meters stormwood / Orkan Xynthia Sturmholz Karte Deutschland, Frankereich, Spanien, +4 millionen festmeter sturmholz / Mapa de Daños Forestales Tormenta Xynthia en Galicia, Euskadi, Aquitania, Renania, Palatinado, Sarre, Vosgos, Alsacia, Lorena, Harz, Turingia, Baviera / Tempete Xynthia degats bois Allemagne, France, Espagne / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro, Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoria y Servicios de Ingenieria Forestal / Eucalyptologics: information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation worldwide

Fig. 1: Storm Xynthia (27-28 February 2010) European Forests Damage Map (First Estimation - March 5th 2010) by GIT Forestry Consulting / +4 million cubic metres stormwood in the European Union. (Please contact us for an enlarged 1480 x 1280 pixel map version).

A first overall estimation of stormwood volumes exceeds 4 million cubic metres of timber scattered over European forest soils, mainly in Germany (more than 80% total). Affected areas following the path of the hurricane are Galicia (0.10 million m3) & the Basque Country (0.15 million m3) in Spain; the Pyrènèes Maritimes (0.10 million m3), L'Allier (0.01 million m3), the Meuse (0.05 million m3) & the Vosges (0.10 million m3) in France; the Ardennes (little damage) in Belgium; and Saarland (0.1 million m3), Rhineland-Palatinate (1.7 million m3), Hessen (1.2 million m3), Westfalia (0.4 million m3), Thuringia (0.1 million m3), the Harz Forest (0.07 million m3) & Northern Bavaria (0.02 million m3) in Germany.

The most affected region according to estimated stormwood volumes seems to be the Rheineland-Pflaz in Germany, so its forestry shrine, the Palatinate Forest, may be considered "Ground Zero" for Event Xynthia.


Asociación Galega Monte-Industria (SPA), Bayerische Staatsforsten AöR (GER), Confederación de Forestalistas del País Vasco (SPA), Consellería do Medio Rural - Xunta de Galicia (SPA); IES - Institute for Environment and Sustainability - European Commission Joint Research Centre (ITA) , Fédération Nationale des Syndicats de Forestiers Privés de France (FRA), Landesbetrieb Hessen-Forst (GER), Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz Nordrhein-Westfalen (GER), Landesforsten Rheineland-Pfalz (GER), Thüringer Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Forsten, Umwelt und Naturschutz (GER), MeteoFrance - Ministère de l'Ecologie, de l'Energie, du Développement Durable et de la Mer (FRA), MeteoGalicia - Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas - Xunta de Galicia (SPA); Niedersächsische Landesforsten (GER), Office National des Forêts (FRA), SaarForst Landesbetrieb (GER) & others.

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Chile: Earthquake hits the Core of Pulp & Paper Industry


2011 Japan Earthquake Impact on Japanese Pulp and Paper Industry Preliminary Assessment Map / Mapa preliminar de Impacto del Terremoto de Japon 2011 en la industria de pulpa celulosica y de papel del Japon / パルプ紙2011年の日本地震の影響の予備的な地図セルロース日本 / Mapa Preliminar de Impacto do Terramoto de Japão  2011, na industria do papel e celulose do Japão / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoria y Servicios de Ingenieria Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, Information resources on sustainable eucalypt cultivation worldwide / Recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo sostenible del eucalipto en el mundo
03/2011 Earthquake Impact on Japanese Pulp & Paper Industry Map, a preliminary outlook to industrial complexes potentially affected (March 11th 17:00 CET).

Critical situation forces total stop of market pulp production
by Papermarket.cl - Chile

Map of Chilean Pulp and Paper Mills affected by February 2010 Earthquake, by Papermarket.cl / Mapa de fabricas de celulosa y papel afectadas por el terremoto en Chile, por Papermarket.cl / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado y Asociados / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo
The Chilean Earthquake of March 3d 2010 affected severely the area hosting the whole capacity for pulp and paper making of the country from Northern to Southern Central Chile, with intensities varying from 8 to 8.8 Richter. The epicenter, between the VII and VIII regions of Chile, is the core of the virgin pulp making industry with all mills standing in a radius lower than 250 kilometers. With a moderate intensity, 5 to 6 Richter, it was also suffered by Arauco - Valdivia, Cartulinas Valdivia and CMPC - Pacífico, within IX to XIV Regions.

Arauco, the large market pulp producer, owns 4 factories in the critical areas and reported no human fatalities but important damage being evaluated. Arauco - Constitucion, very close to the epicenter, seems the most affected industrial complex. According to contingency plans, mill activity has stopped. No forecast for operational activity has been scheduled due to road closures, energy blackouts and communication failure for all the area.

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Medium Density Fiberboard: Growth Expected


Housing demand foretells solid growth for MDF

Housing demand foretells solid growth for MDF / Medium Density Fiberboard: Growth Expected in 2010 / Crecimiento en el mercado de tablero MDF para 2010 /  Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro, Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo
An increasingly positive global economic outlook and strong growth in housing demand will drive renewed growth for medium density fibreboard (MDF) over the four years from 2010 to 2013, according to leading economic forecaster and industry analyst, BIS Shrapnel.

BIS Shrapnel’s Medium Density Fibreboard in the Pacific Rim and Europe, 2009 – 2013 report forecasts strong growth in the key end-use sectors for MDF – housing construction and furniture manufacturing. BIS Shrapnel says the downturn in housing construction in the United States reached the bottom of the cycle in 2009 and is expected to move into a rapid upswing from 2010 to 2013.

The recovery in the US will drive economic growth not only in that region but also in many of its key trading partners around the world,” says report author and BIS Shrapnel senior manager, Bernie Neufeld. “It will also drive improved demand for furniture, and ultimately demand for MDF. Housing construction in other key regions such as Europe and Asia will also drive up demand for MDF from 2010 to 2013.

However, BIS Shrapnel notes there has been a seismic shift in MDF markets over the past decade.

MDF markets are now more mature, and much more price competitive, which has driven producers to improve quality and develop new products and markets,” says Neufeld. “There has also been a significant change in ownership structure – production has shifted from North America and Europe to China and Asia and over the forecast period this will continue".

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Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 25 - by Celso Foelkel


Eucalyptus Online Book and Newsletter Nº25, January 2010, by Celso Foelkel / Eucalyptus Wisdom from Brazil / Boletín Online Eucalipto Nº25, Enero 2010, por Celso Foelkel / Sabiduría eucalíptica desde Brasil / Grau Celsius / Celsius Degree / www.eucalyptus.com.br

by Celso Foelkel

Summary of Contents

Eucalyptus Online Book & Newsletter are technical information texts written and made available free of charge to all people involved with the forestry and utilization of the Eucalyptus. It depends only on registering yourself to receive them.

Technical coordination - Celso Foelkel
Webmaster / editing - Alessandra Foelkel
Celsius Degree: Phone (+55-51) 3338-4809
Copyright © 2007-2010

This knowledge oriented service was made possible through sponsoring support provided by ABTCP - Brazilian Technical Association of Pulp and Paper and by Botnia, International Paper do Brasil, Fibria, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates & Suzano. The opinions expressed in the texts are those of the author or coming from the referenced technical literature. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors.

Grau Celsius - Celsius Degree - Celso Foelkel Eucalyptus Wisdom
Grau Celsius - Celsius Degree - Celso Foelkel Eucalyptus Wisdom - Sabiduria Eucaliptica de Celso Foelkel

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