
Brazil leading CO2 Absorption in Planted Forests


Brazil leads... the world should follow!

What is a Tree? - A video message from Bracelpa, the Brazilian Pulp & Paper Association, to the COP15 (United Nations Climate Change Conference, Copenhagen 2009)

Maybe the time has come to stop seeing one of the best ever made approaches to sustainable forestry as a problem-maker... and start seeing it as a world-leading effort towards sustainable production and one of the most efficient man-made tree based bio-industries.

Eucalyptus planted forests absorb up to 1200 tonnes of carbon per hectare in 35 years / Los bosques cultivados de eucalipto absorben hasta 1200 toneladas de carbono por hectarea en 35 años / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro and Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo / Image courtesy Bracelpa, Brazilian Pulp and Paper Asociation

A hectare of eucalypt cultivated forests can be up to 6 times more efficient sequestering carbon than other alternatives for a given time-span. (Bracelpa: Planted Forests, Vital Allies of the Planet)

Maybe the time has come to see sustainably managed planted forests like those of Brazil, a productive use of land, as an useful aid to increase carbon uptakes... and make them be part of the solution.

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Eucalyptus Pulps & Papers: Fibers & Fine Fractions


Eucalyptus Market Pulps and Papers: Managing Different Fine Fractions / Eucalyptus Online Book, November 2009, by Celso Foelkel / Eucalyptus Wisdom from Brazil / Diferenciando las celulosas y papeles de Eucalipto a partir de la gestión de Fracciones Finas de la Pulpa Celulósica  / Libro Online Eucalipto, Noviembre 2009, por Celso Foelkel / Ecoeficacia, Ecoeficiencia, Produccion Mas Limpia / Sabiduría eucalíptica desde Brasil

by Celso Foelkel

Eucalyptus Market Pulps and Papers: Managing Different Fine Fractions / Eucalyptus Online Book, November 2009, by Celso Foelkel / Eucalyptus Wisdom from Brazil / Diferenciando las celulosas y papeles de Eucalipto a partir de la gestión de Fracciones Finas de la Pulpa Celulósica  / Libro Online Eucalipto, Noviembre 2009, por Celso Foelkel / Ecoeficacia, Ecoeficiencia, Produccion Mas Limpia / Sabiduría eucalíptica desde Brasil

(Click image to enlarge)

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Obama praises Norway & Brazil's fight against deforestation


Obama Praises the Brazilian Amazon Fund

President Barack Obama arrived in Oslo early this morning on his journey to receive the Nobel Prize for Peace.

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Obama to Norway by means of a working breakfast with views towards Oslo's skyline before thanking him for and urging him three times to keep moving forward in the global fight against climate change as an investment for future world peace.

Obama in Oslo for Nobel Prize for Peace / Obama praises Lula and Norway for Amazon Fund and fight against deforestation and climate change / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro and Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo / Image courtesy SVT, Sweden Television

Obama at the Oslo Press Conference. Image courtesy SVT (tack guys!!)

The U.S. President acknowledged his presence in Copenhagen next week for the United Nations Climate Change Conference would be an important step for a truly global strategy in this sense.

After remembering the bond between both countries through the huge Norwegian-American community back home, Obama praised the joint initiative of the governments of Norway and Brazil to monitor and try to minimise deforestation rates in the Amazon Basin.

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