
The fallen forests: Legacy of Storm Klaus over Eucalyptus, Pines and Poplars of South-Western Europe


Gone with the Wind

Some days after Storm Klaus hit the Northern coast of Spain and landed in Southwestern France, disruptions of daily life slowly disappear. Road blocks removed, power is being restored and rebuilding of damage to buildings and urban infrastructure slowly progresses. But out there, beyond the main roads, a vast catastrophe remains.

Gone with the wind, some of the most productive forests in Europe. Impacts in the short and medium term to rural economies and industrial wood supply are yet to be seen. The time to clean up the mess has come. It cannot be delayed. But with it, the time to start forest rebuilding must also come. It cannot be forgotten.

Galicia, Northwestern Spain

Storm Klaus damages the largest Eucalyptus Forest in Europe at Galicia, Spain / La tormenta Klaus arrasa el bosque de eucalipto más grande de Europa en Galicia, España / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo
Fig. 1: Damage caused by Storm Klaus to coastal Eucalyptus globulus plantations in the Northern Coast of Galicia (Northwestern Spain). (Photo courtesy Juan Picos / Asociación Galega Monte-Industria / Wikisilva. Click image to enlarge)

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Storm Klaus wipes out Eucalyptus & Pine Forests in Spain & France


Largest Eucalyptus and Pinus forests in Europe blown down?

From January 23d to 25th 2009 the 200 km/h strong wind and rainstorm Klaus swept accross the Bay of Biscay en route to the Mediterranean Sea, causing widespread damage in Northern Spain and Southern France.

Storm Klaus damages the largest Eucalyptus Forest in Europe at Galicia, Spain / La tormenta Klaus arrasa el bosque de eucalipto más grande de Europa en Galicia, España / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo
(See more images of wind damage to trees & infrastructures in Northwestern Spain)

The unusual, sudden and very fast wind blast, with intensities roughly equivalent to a Category 3 Hurricane for a short time, caused catastrophic damage to mixed forests in Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country in Spain, wiping out an important amount of the largest Eucalyptus timberland in Europe before travelling eastwards to level Las Landes d'Aquitaine in France, the largest Martime Pine forest in Europe.

Storm Klaus damages the largest Eucalyptus Forest in Europe at Galicia, Spain / La tormenta Klaus arrasa el bosque de eucalipto más grande de Europa en Galicia, España / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo
Fig. 1: Pathway of Storm Klaus from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean, depicting heavily affected areas, roughly corresponding with the most productive cultivated timberlands in Europe. Base satellite image courtesy Meteogalicia.

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Tallest trees in Africa climbed: Eucalyptus saligna & E. regnans



by Izak van der Merwe (1)

On November 2008 a pair of professional tree climbers scaled the two tallest trees in Africa, also considered to be the tallest planted Eucalyptus trees in the world. Recently dubbed the “Twin Giants of Magoebaskloof”, these Saligna gum trees form part of a magnificent stand of tall trees on the Woodbush State Forest near Haenertsburg planted in 1906. Benefiting from a wet sub-tropical climate and deep soils, they grew to a height not surpassed anywhere in Africa. The tallest tree in this stand was measured by a land surveyor six years ago at a height of 81.5 metres (+265 feet), but the tree toppled over during a storm in September 2006.

Climbing the tallest trees in Africa: Twin Giants of Magoebaskloof, Giant Eucalyptus saligna at Woodbush Forest Reserve & Benvie Giant, Eucalyptus regnans at Benvie Farm Arboretum, South Africa / Escalando el arbol mas alto de Africa: Los Gigantes Gemelos de Magoebaskloof, Eucaliptos saligna gigantes en la Reserva Forestal de Woodbush & Gigante de Benvie, Eucalipto regnans en el Arboreto de Benvie, Sudáfica/ by Izak van der Merwe / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo
Fig. 1 - Giant Tree Climbing Expedition members at Benvie Arboretum (New Hanover, South Africa) besides the tallest Eucalyptus regnans in Africa, and possibly the tallest cultivated E. regnans in the world. Photo courtesy Izak van der Merwe. (Click image to enlarge)

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Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 18 - by Celso Foelkel


Eucalyptus Online Book and Newsletter, December 2008, by Celso Foelkel / Eucalyptus Wisdom from Brazil / Boletín Online Eucalipto, Diciembre 2008, por Celso Foelkel / Sabiduría eucalíptica desde Brasil

by Celso Foelkel

Summary of Contents

Eucalyptus Online Book & Newsletter are technical information texts written and made available free of charge to all people involved with the forestry and utilization of the Eucalyptus. It depends only on registering yourself to receive them.

Technical coordination - Celso Foelkel
Webmaster / editing - Alessandra Foelkel
Celsius Degree: Phone (+55-51) 3338-4809
Copyright © 2007-2010

This knowledge oriented service was made possible through sponsoring support provided by ABTCP - Brazilian Technical Association of Pulp and Paper and by Botnia, Aracruz, International Paper do Brasil, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Suzano & Votorantim Celulose e Papel. The opinions expressed in the texts are those of the author or coming from the referenced technical literature. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors.

Grau Celsius - Celsius Degree - Celso Foelkel Eucalyptus WisdomGrau Celsius - Celsius Degree - Celso Foelkel Eucalyptus Wisdom - Sabiduria Eucaliptica de Celso Foelkel

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Eucalyptus Seed: Harvest it Right (II)


Selective Harvest of Local Landrace Eucalyptus Seed: The Basics

Gustavo Iglesias Trabado Contact GIT Forestry Consulting
GIT Forestry Consulting - Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal - www.git-forestry.com - EUCALYPTOLOGICS

"Eucalyptus seed quality" is a vast concept. It has many angles. And all of them have an effect on the next generation of trees raised somewhere to be planted somewhere else and later yield an expected amount of timber or non timber products, services and/or externalities. Few times so many big volumes are dependant on such a small weight. 

We have already explored at Eucalyptologics one of the angles, which has to do with Eucalyptus reproductive physiology having an influence on seed outputs and quality. Today we explore another angle, which links up with tree breeding and the quality of Eucalyptus seed from a genetic standpoint.

Selective local landrace plus tree Eucalyptus globulus seed collection / Recoleccion selectiva de semilla de arboles plus de Eucalyptus globulus / Eucalyptus seed / Semilla de eucalipto / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo
Fig. 1 - Selective local landrace Eucalyptus seed harvest methodology. (Click image to enlarge)

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