by Ester Foelkel
Summary of Contents
- Editorial
- Os Pinus no Brasil: Pinus kesiya (P. insularis) / Pinus in Brazil: Pinus kesiya (P. insularis)
- Referencias Técnicas da Literatura Virtual. Laboratório Tecnológico do Uruguai (LATU) / Technical References in Online Literature. Uruguayan Technologic Laboratory (LATU)
- Cursos e Eventos / Courses & Events
- Pinus-Links
- Móveis de Pinus no Brasil / Pinus Furniture in Brazil
- Mini-artigo Técnico por Ester Foelkel: Produçao de Páletes de Pinus / Technical Mini-Article by Ester Foelkel: Pinus Based Pallet Production
Previous Issues
PinusLetter - The Pinus Newsletter - nº 9- September 2008 by Ester Foelkel
PinusLetter - The Pinus Newsletter - nº 8- August 2008 by Ester Foelkel
PinusLetter - The Pinus Newsletter - nº 7 - July 2008 by Ester Foelkel
PinusLetter - The Pinus Newsletter - nº 6 - June 2008 by Ester Foelkel
PinusLetter - The Pinus Newsletter - nº 5 - May 2008 by Ester Foelkel
PinusLetter - The Pinus Newsletter - nº 6 - June 2008 by Ester Foelkel
PinusLetter - The Pinus Newsletter - nº 5 - May 2008 by Ester Foelkel
PinusLetter - The Pinus Newsletter - nº 4 - April 2008 by Ester Foelkel
PinusLetter - The Pinus Newsletter - nº 3 - March 2008 by Ester Foelkel
PinusLetter - The Pinus Newsletter - nº 3 - March 2008 by Ester Foelkel
PinusLetter - The Pinus Newsletter - nº 2 - February 2008 by Ester Foelkel
PinusLetter - The Pinus Newsletter - nº 1 - January 2008 by Ester Foelkel
PinusLetter - The Pinus Newsletter - nº 1 - January 2008 by Ester Foelkel

PinusLetter is a new creation of Celsius Degree, a vision for the development of cultivated forests and their products based on the concepts of technology, eco-efficiency, economy and social and environmental sustainability. The main stars of this newsletter will be tree species within genus Pinus. This free online publication is a courtesy of ABTCP - Brazilian Society for Pulp & Paper Technology and CRA - Conestoga-Rovers & Associados - Engenharia SA. It will be first launched in Portuguese language only but will include references to articles, websites and Pinus-Links at a global level. Hence, you will be redirected to visit sites in English, Spanish, French languages, in addition to Portuguese.
Coordenação e Redação Técnica - Ester Foelkel & Celso Foelkel
Editoração - Alessandra Foelkel
GRAU CELSIUS: Tel.(51) 3338-4809
Copyrights © 2005-2008

Editoração - Alessandra Foelkel
GRAU CELSIUS: Tel.(51) 3338-4809
Copyrights © 2005-2008
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