


"So let me end with these words of Rudyard Kipling:

If I have given you delight
by aught that I have done.
Let me lie quiet in that night
which shall be yours anon;
And for the little, little span
the dead are borne in mind,
seek not to question other than,
the books I leave behind.

This is Arthur Clarke, saying Thank You and Goodbye from Colombo!"

Pruning ornamental eucalypts (II): Eucalyptus gunnii example


Managing growth in ornamental eucalypts: Ongoing Eucalyptus gunnii sculpture in a temperate Atlantic garden

Gustavo Iglesias Trabado Contact GIT Forestry Consulting
GIT Forestry Consulting - Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal - www.git-forestry.com - EUCALYPTOLOGICS

We had previously seen in EUCALYPTOLOGICS some images on first year growth of ornamental Eucalyptus cultivated in our own garden and some explanatory texts on 5 steps of horticultural recommendations at each stage of cultivation in order to control their height and shape along their early growth years.

Pruning, Pollarding,Clipping Eucalyptus gunnii / Cider Gum / Cold Hardy Ornamental Eucalyptus for gardens in temperate climates / Poda y talla de eucalipto gunnii / Eucalipto de la sidra / Eucalipto ornamental resistente a la helada para jardinería en climas templados / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoria y Servicios de Ingenieria Agroforestal, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, Information Resources on Eucalyptus Cultivation WorldwideFig. 1: Pollarded & pruned ornamental Eucalyptus 65 weeks after planting

The early results after performing sensible pollarding and pruning on garden Eucalyptus were quite pleasing (Fig. 1). We revisit now this topic to show the evolution of these pollarded and pruned eucalypts during their second autumn and winter on the ground.

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PinusLetter nº 3 - by Ester Foelkel


by Ester Foelkel

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Eucalyptus in Brazil: Building ElDorado in the Amazon


EUCALYPTOLOGICS brings you today a video depicting an impressive feat of naval, chemical, mining, agricultural, civil and forestry engineering in the mouth of the Amazon River. The birth of Monte Dourado (El Monte Dorado, The Golden Forest) of Pará and Amapá, and the development of Eucalyptus cultivation in Northern Brazil.

Jari Celulose Eucalyptus Cellulose Pulp Mill, Pará, Brazil / Travelling Pulp Mill Video / Projeto Jari / Jari Project / World Class Eucalyptus Forestry and Pulp Industry / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoria y Servicios de Ingenieria Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / EucalyptologicsProjeto Jari: Shipping a Built Pulp Mill From Japan to the Amazon

An American in the Amazon

By 1930... a young North American entrepreneur from Michigan (USA) with practical expertise in shipping industry received the first commissions to build a new type of transport vessel. Soon a prosperous fortune was fueled as oil tankers first and supertankers later became a vital piece for successful worldwide trade.

In 1967... the Invisible Billionaire, Daniel K. Ludwig envisioned some of the catastrophic environmental effects of uncontrolled global population growth, and decided to do his part to reduce the rate of defforestation of natural woodlands tied to an increasing demand of pulp and paper products. An thus, Projeto Jari was born.

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Eucalyptus species identification (II): bark revisited


By their fruits ye shall know them (II)
More small tips on Eucalyptus Identification

Gustavo Iglesias Trabado Contact GIT Forestry Consulting
GIT Forestry Consulting - Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal - www.git-forestry.com

We have seen a previous example in EUCALYPTOLOGICS of bark features being sometimes misleading for accurate Eucalyptus species identification. In that case, different bark types were present for the same Eucalyptus species. Today we see another example, but reversed. In this case, similar bark types belonging to different Eucalyptus species (Enlarge Fig. 1).

Eucalyptus species identification: bark is not enough / Identificacion botanica de especies de eucalipto: la corteza no basta / Eucalyptus botanical sampling / Flower buds, capsules, bark / Flores, capsulas, corteza / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoria y Servicios de Ingenieria Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics: Information Resources on Eucalyptus Cultivation Around the World

Fig. 1: Example of "bark only" diagnosis misleading Eucalyptus species identification (Click image to enlarge)

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Eucalyptus Clonal Nursery: Rooting Cuttings Video


We receive frequent inquiries at EUCALYPTOLOGICS on Eucalyptus being or not possible to propagate from cuttings. And we were running out of examples to show it is very possible. Fortunately the Woodpeckers of Prof. Mário Takao Inoue & Prof. Antonio José de Araujo (SEAA, Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Paraná) come to our rescue.

Eucalyptus grandis Clonal Nursery, Monte Alegre Farm, Klabin, Parana, Brazil / Vivero forestal clonal de Eucalipto, Hacienda Monte Alegre, Klabin, Parana, Brasil / Eucalyptus Video / Eucalyptus rooted cuttings / Eucalyptus Micropropagation / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics

Visit with us an industrial scale clonal Eucalyptus nursery... in video!

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