Eucalyptus International: global plants
Posted online by Gus-GITForestry around Wednesday, October 31, 2007 0 Comments by our readers ::
Key words / Tags :: Australian Plants, China, clonal, Denmark, Eucalyptus, gallery, India, international, Peru, plantation, plus tree, Saudi Arabia, Southern Australia, Tasmania, UK
King Regnans: Attenborough's Giant Eucalyptus
ShareKing Regnans Giant Eucalyptus video courtesy of BBC
Originally released by 1995, the Peabody Award Winner nature documentary The Private Life of Plants by the BBC is a striking trip around the world to unveil the secrets of plant evolution, adaptation and struggle for survival in this ever changing world we all have the priviledge to warden.
Attenborough's comments wisely blended with amazing photography and Richard Grassby-Lewis' musical companion make this piece of art a milestone in the divulgation of botany, biogeography, ecology and environmental science. And the 7 minute long piece on Eucalyptus is certainly worth watching. But do not forget the other 285 minutes!

- Eucalyptus paulistana: The Brazilian Giant
- Eucalyptus: The Giants of Spain & Portugal
- Eucalyptus globulus: Giant Heritage Trees
- Eucalyptus Giants: The Fat Guys at Both Sides of the World
- The Karri Knight: Tallest Tree in Europe?
- Grandpa, the Giant Eucalyptus... in video
- Eucalyptus: coastal rainforests in Galicia (Spain)
- Giant Trees: Eucalyptus & Friends, twelve treasures to preserve
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Posted online by Gus-GITForestry around Wednesday, October 24, 2007 0 Comments by our readers ::
Key words / Tags :: Ash, Australian Plants, BBC, Eucalyputs, giant, Grandpa, King Regnans, regnans, video
Eucalyptus paulistana: The Brazilian Giant
ShareGustavo Iglesias Trabado

GIT Forestry Consulting - Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal - www.git-forestry.com - EUCALYPTOLOGICS

1897 - Navarro de Andrade sets foot on the School of Agronomy at Coimbra (Portugal), in the neighbourhood of the Karri Knight and the first sizeable Eucalyptus plantations in Europe.

1903 - Navarro de Andrade arrives back in Brazil. In some months he would be in charge of forestry experiments and silvicultural research for Paulista Railways at Jundiaí Forest Garden.
1906 - Navarro de Andrade completes the planting of 32000 eucalypts at Jundiaí to compare their growth and industrial potential for short cycle timber production against 8000 native Brazilian trees. Eucalyptus won.

1909 - Navarro de Andrade starts mass planting of industrial Eucalyptus crops at Río Claro to provide fuelwood, sleepers and poles for Paulista Railways. The experience on the 2200 ha of Rio Claro would spread on over 20 extra massive plantings along the main lines of this railroad in order to create a local supply of firewood/charcoal for steam locomotives.

1910 - Four Eucalyptus specimens leave the Paulista nurseries at Rio Claro and are planted among dozens of thousands more. But these have a certain significance. Fifteen years later they will travel as wood logs with Navarro de Andrade to the United States to be processed experimentally into a pulp of cellulose first and further into high quality printed paper, pioneering the birth of a short fibre Brazilian Eucalyptus based Cellulosic Pulp & Paper Industry.

1913 - Navarro de Andrade visits Joseph Henry Maiden in Sydney during a world tour. Eucalyptus planter and Eucalyptus botanist talk on their favourite trees. Edmundo is gifted by J. H. Maiden with plates from the Herbarium of New South Wales and provided with seeds of over 150 additional Eucalyptus species to the ones he had already trialled.

1916 - Building of Museu do Eucalipto starts at Rio Claro to store the vast amounts of knowledge being generated by Navarro de Andrade, plus artifacts and samples of all products derived from Eucalyptus trees. Nowadays known as the Eucalyptus Museum "Navarro de Andrade", it is unique in the world.

1928 - Navarro de Andrade receives the Medaille de St. Hilaire and the Grande Medaille Hors Classe on behalf of Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro from the Société Nationale d'Acclimatation de France.

1941 - Navarro de Andrade receives the Frank N. Meyer Medal for Plant Genetic Resources from the American Genetics Association. He would pass away some months later leaving the impressive legacy of 24 million planted eucalypt trees. If not more.
1942 - Edmundo's nephew, Armando Navarro Sampaio, continues the work on Eucalyptus cultivation and starts genetic improvement protocols following the footprints and legacy of his uncle. Soon Brazilian railroads would stop using eucalypt charcoal for power generation and start using eucalypt poles to build the newer electrified lines, but steel factories were to continue demanding their timber for energy generation purposes until nowadays. At the same time one of the major Eucalyptus pulp and paper industries in the world started to develop.

2007 - More than 4 billion Eucalyptus trees of over 150 species grow in the different climates of Brazil. Just a handful of them are prevalent but they have become a strategic timber resource of such a magnitude that whatever happens within this Eucalyptus Agricultural Superpower has a global impact.
- Visit Navarro de Andrade State Forest, Floresta Estadual Navarro de Andrade, Rio Claro, Sao Paulo, Brasil.
- Visit the Eucalyptus Museum, Museu do Eucalipto "Navarro de Andrade", Rio Claro, Sao Paulo, Brasil.
- Read on Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro (Paulista Railways) in Marco Aurélio Álvares da Silva's Railway Website
- Navarro de Andrade, E. (1909) A cultura do Eucalyptus. Sao Paulo. Typhographia Brasil.
- Navarro de Andrade, E. (1910) A cultura do Eucalyptus nos Estados Unidos. Sao Paulo. Typographia Brasil.
- Navarro de Andrade, E. (1911) O manual do plantador de eucaliptos. Sao Paulo. Rothschild.
- Navarro de Andrade, E. (1918) Os Eucalyptus: a sua cultura e exploraçao. Sao Paulo. Rothschild.
- Navarro Sampaio, A. (1948) O eucalipto. Boletim da Secretaria de Agricultura, Indústria, Comercio e Trabalho. Nº especial. Belo Horizonte.
- Martini, Augusto J. (2002). O plantador de Eucalyptus: a questao da preservacao florestal no Brasil e o resgate documental do legado de Edmundo Navarro de Andrade. Msc Thesis. University of Sao Paulo.
- Foelkel, Celso (2006). The Eucalyptus in Brazil. Eucalyptus Online Book & Newsletter. Newsletter nº 5. A Grau Celsius / Celsius Degree Production.
To Ralph Mennuci Giesbrecht for his perseverance in the divulgation of history of Brazilian railroads, to Augusto Martini for his perserverance in the fight for preservation of Edmundo's legacy and to Celso Foelkel for his perserverance in the divulgation of Eucalyptus knowledge worldwide. And of course, to Edmundo, wherever he is, for daring. I heard the first thing he asked St. Peter to was "¿entao caro senhor, há algum horto ou jardim con eucaliptos no ceu?".
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© 2007 Gustavo Iglesias Trabado. Please contact us if you want to use all or part of this text and photography elsewhere. We like to share, but we do not like rudeness.
Posted online by Gus-GITForestry around Tuesday, October 23, 2007 1 Comments by our readers ::
Key words / Tags :: Brazil, cellulose, Celso Foelkel, Coimbra, Eucalyptus, giant, Karri Knight, Navarro de Andrade, silviculture
Grandpa, the Giant Eucalyptus... in video
Also to check while here...
- Eucalyptus paulistana: The Brazilian Giant
- Eucalyptus: The Giants of Spain & Portugal
- Eucalyptus globulus: Giant Heritage Trees
- Eucalyptus Giants: The Fat Guys at Both Sides of the World
- The Karri Knight: Tallest Tree in Europe?
- Grandpa, the Giant Eucalyptus... in video
- King Regnans: Attenborough's Eucalyptus Giants
- Eucalyptus: coastal rainforests in Galicia (Spain)
Posted online by Gus-GITForestry around Thursday, October 18, 2007 3 Comments by our readers ::
Key words / Tags :: Chavin, El Blog de Forestman, Eucalyptus, Galicia, giant, GIT Forestry Consulting, Grandfather, Grandpa, O Avo, Spain, video
Eucalyptus from seed: some key concepts
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GIT Forestry Consulting - Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal - www.git-forestry.com - EUCALYPTOLOGICS

Propagating Eucalyptus from seed is easy. But easy and efficient are variable concepts that have to be considered depending on plant production targets. Amenity growing and commercial nursery production share the same basic concepts, but a considerable amount of extra details must be considered in each particular case.
The basic idea should always be "each seed matters" no matter at what stage of seedling growing you are. The closer the final results are to this key initial idea, the better. But inbetween the ideal maximum efficiency and total failure many results can be satisfactory from both technical and financial points of view.
Today we present you a small sequence of basic stages from Eucalyptus seed sowing to final plant dispatch using one of the simplest methods. It can be of aid for those growing eucalypts in small amounts and without using fully mechanised industrial processes.
Eucalyptus Seedbed Preparation

Plant quality for Eucalyptus forestry seedling production is a mix of:
- 30% Seed quality --> Genetic background --> Genetic Improvement
- 30% Seed handling --> Storage, pre-germination & germination --> Nursery Seed Laboratory
- 30% Plant morphology --> Nursery practice --> Productive Process Engineering
- 10% Luck --> Shit happens
As you see, more than half the chances of long term success for high quality Eucalyptus plant stock has to do with seed quality. More importantly at industrial scale commercial operations where mechanisation and infrastructure account positively on easier nursery practice.
Complementary to ornamental Eucalyptus market oriented experience GIT Forestry Consulting's team of Agronomic and Forestry Engineers has conducted forestry-stock nursery trials in Northwestern Spain with select germplasm of over 15 Eucalyptus types having potential for timber production in temperate humid Atlantic climates, and has sorted out detailed individualised solutions to adapt successful productive process engineering to different nursery infrastructures and industrial scale plant production schemes.
An interesting range of potential products for the Iberian and European forestry plant market has been obtained matching high quality standards.
Subscribe to receive EUCALYPTOLOGICS via RSS
© 2007 Gustavo Iglesias Trabado. Please contact us if you want to use all or part of this text and photography elsewhere. We like to share, but we do not like rudeness.
Posted online by Gus-GITForestry around Sunday, October 14, 2007 0 Comments by our readers ::
Key words / Tags :: Eucalyptus, Galicia, germination, GIT Forestry Consulting, nursery, seed, seedling, Spain, timber