
Season's Greetings... from "Nova Australia" in the Highlands


Eucalyptus nitens: eucaliptos tolerantes al frio en las Highlands de Galicia, Reserva Natural de la Sierra de Ancares / Cold hardy Eucalyptus nitens in the Snow of the Highlands of Galicia, Ancares Range Nature Reserve, Spain / Merry Christmas and Happy New Eucalyptic Year 2011 / Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Eucalíptico 2011 / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro and Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, Information Resources on Eucalyptus Cultivation Worldwide / Recursos de Informacion sobre el Cultivo del Eucalipto en el Mundo

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Chasing Giants... a tree trek in Nova Australia... with Dean Nicolle


Chasing... the Tallest Trees in Europe

Australian Botanist Dr Dean Nicolle, German Geoecologist Annett Boerner from the Max Planck Society and Spanish forester Gustavo Iglesias from GIT Forestry trek the coastal eucalypt rainforest of Spain and Portugal to measure and assess the tallest Eucalyptus trees in Europe / El botanico australiano Dr Dean Nicolle, la Geoecologa alemana Annett Boerner de la Sociedad Max Planck para el Avance de la Ciencia y el forestal Gustavo Iglesias de GIT Forestry exploran el bosque lluvioso costero de eucalipto de España y Portugal para medir y evaluar algunos de los arboles mas altos de Europa / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro and Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo
So what if you received an unexpected call asking you to join a Giant Tree Trek visiting what probably are the tallest trees in Europe... and you said "Yes, Sir (of course!!!)"?

What if as a result of such an adventure you had gathered several hundred measurement data & biological samples, several hundred photographs documenting the whole expedition, and several dozen minutes of video footage depicting such unique Eucalyptus Tree Giants?

What if you had the company of one of the best eucalypt experts in the planet, and of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science in such a tree hunting trip?

Australian Botanist Dr Dean Nicolle, German Geoecologist Annett Boerner from the Max Planck Society and Spanish forester Gustavo Iglesias from GIT Forestry trek the coastal eucalypt rainforest of Spain and Portugal to measure and assess the tallest Eucalyptus trees in Europe / El botanico australiano Dr Dean Nicolle, la Geoecologa alemana Annett Boerner de la Sociedad Max Planck para el Avance de la Ciencia y el forestal Gustavo Iglesias de GIT Forestry exploran el bosque lluvioso costero de eucalipto de España y Portugal para medir y evaluar algunos de los arboles mas altos de Europa / Gustavo Iglesias Trabado, Roberto Carballeira Tenreiro and Javier Folgueira Lozano / GIT Forestry Consulting SL, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics, information resources on Eucalyptus cultivation around the world / Eucalyptologics, recursos de informacion sobre el cultivo del eucalipto en el mundo
The only possible reasonable answer to those three question is... you do it... you enjoy it... and you tell the story!

So... What about joining us & the friends making this all possible in a virtual trek to the "Nova Australia" of Spain & Portugal while chasing Eucalypt Giants with Dean Nicolle?

If your answer is also "Yes, Sir", the only thing you have to do is fastening your seatbelts, and staying tuned... to Eucalyptologics!

And who is that guy?

Dr. Dean Nicolle, "El Cazador de Eucaliptos", has discovered or co-discovered +50 new eucalypt taxa in Australia, helping the known eucalypt biodiversity threshold surpass 1000 taxa. He is the Director of Currency Creek Eucalypt Research Arboretum, the most complete eucalypt collection and genetic repository in the world, with +90% of those taxa represented and cultivated for scientific purposes. He has collected and preserved +5000 eucalypt genetic lines, many of them endangered species or subspecies, some facing extinction risks. He is author or co-author of +50 scientific articles on eucalypt botany, and his work has made +40 extra articles by several international scientific research groups possible. Arborist and ecologist, his remarkable eucalypt tree inventory surpasses +9000 specimens, and from it, +4000 technical reports on remarkable eucalypts have been produced, including +150 new additions to the Australian Giant Tree National Register.

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