Eucalyptus flowers: Foam in the Wind... by Giuseppe Mazza
Posted online by Gus-GITForestry around Monday, September 28, 2009 0 Comments by our readers ::
Key words / Tags :: bloom, camaldulensis, erythrocorys, EUCALYPTOLOGICS, Eucalyptus, ficifolia, flores, flowers, forrestiana, Giuseppe Mazza, Grace Kelly, macrocarpa, Monaco, ornamental, Photomazza.com, tetraptera
Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 22 - by Celso Foelkel
- Editorial
- Five years of "Ask the Euca-expert"
- Eucalyptus Online Book, Chapter 16 (Portuguese): Individualising Eucalyptus wood fibers for Kraft cellulose production .
- The World of Eucalyptus: A meeting with sectorial innovation
- The Friends of Eucalyptus - Dr. Dario Grattapaglia (EMBRAPA - CENARGEN, Brazil)
- Eucalyptus wooden poles
- Curiousities and Oddities about the Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus and tannin production, by Ester Foelkel
- Online Technical Literature - "O Papel" Magazine
- References on Courses and Events.
- Eco-efficiency and Sustainability corner
- Technical mini-article by Celso Foelkel: Eucalyptus planted forests and fertiliser use
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 21 - June 2009
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 20 - April 2009
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 19 - January 2009
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 18 - December 2008
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 17 - October 2008
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 16 - August 2008
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 15 - June 2008
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 14 - April 2008
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 13 - February 2008
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 12 - November 2007
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 11 - September 2007
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 10 - July 2007
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 9 - May 2007
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 8 - March 2007
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 7 - January 2007
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 6 - October 2006
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 5 - July 2006
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 4 - May 2006
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 3 - January 2006
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 2 - October 2005
- Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 1 - June 2005
Technical coordination - Celso Foelkel
Webmaster / editing - Alessandra Foelkel
Celsius Degree: Phone (+55-51) 3338-4809
Copyright © 2007-2010

Posted online by Gus-GITForestry around Monday, September 28, 2009 2 Comments by our readers ::
Key words / Tags :: Brazil, cellulose, Celso Foelkel, Dario Grattapaglia, Ecoefficiency, Ester Foelkel, Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus Book, Eucalyptus Newsletter, fertiliser, GIT Forestry Consulting, pulp, tannin
The man who fed the world...

(March 25, 1914 – September 12, 2009)
Plant Breeder
Father of the Green Revolution
Champion of the War against Hunger
His legacy grows in five continents
It has saved many lives
We use it everyday

Posted online by Gus-GITForestry around Monday, September 14, 2009 4 Comments by our readers ::
Key words / Tags :: acknowledgements, agroforestry, India, Mexico, Norman Borlaug, Pakistan, USA