
Cold hardy Eucalyptus forestry in Galicia (II): when snow comes...


Eucalyptus and Snow: Winter views of eucalypt timber plantations in Northwestern Spain

Gustavo Iglesias Trabado Contact GIT Forestry Consulting
GIT Forestry Consulting - Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal - www.git-forestry.com - EUCALYPTOLOGICS

Snow in a 10 year old cold hardy Eucalyptus nitens cultivated forest at 800 m above sea level in Galicia (Northwestern Spain)/ Nieve en bosque cultivado de Eucalipto nitens (Eucalipto de las heladas, Eucalipto brillante) a 800 metros de altitud en Galicia (Noroeste de España) / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain

Snow in a 10 year old cold hardy Eucalyptus nitens cultivated forest at 800 m above sea level in Galicia (Northwestern Spain)/ Nieve en bosque cultivado de Eucalipto nitens (Eucalipto de las heladas, Eucalipto brillante) a 800 metros de altitud en Galicia (Noroeste de España) / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, SpainFig. 1: Winter view of a 10 year old frost tolerant Eucalyptus cultivated forest at 800 m above sea level in Galicia (Northwestern Spain). (Click image to enlarge)

Snow in a 7 year old cold hardy Eucalyptus nitens timber plantation at 750 m above sea level in Galicia (Northwestern Spain)/ Nieve en plantacion de 7 años de Eucalipto nitens (Eucalipto de las heladas, Eucalipto brillante) a 750 metros de altitud en Galicia (Noroeste de España) / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, SpainFig. 2: Winter view of a 7 year old frost tolerant Eucalyptus timber plantation at 750 m above sea level in Galicia (Northwestern Spain). (Click image to enlarge)

Snow in a 3 year old cold hardy Eucalyptus nitens timber plantation at 700 m above sea level in Galicia (Northwestern Spain)/ Nieve en plantacion de 3 años Eucalipto nitens (Eucalipto de las heladas, Eucalipto brillante) a 700 metros de altitud en Galicia (Noroeste de España) / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, SpainFig. 3: Winter view of 3 year old frost tolerant Eucalyptus saplings at 700 m above sea level in Galicia (Northwestern Spain). (Click image to enlarge)

Snow in a 5 year old cold hardy Eucalyptus nitens timber plantation at 600 m above sea level in Galicia (Northwestern Spain)/ Nieve en plantacion de Eucalipto nitens (Eucalipto de las heladas, Eucalipto brillante) a 600 metros de altitud en Galicia (Noroeste de España) / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, SpainFig. 4: Winter view of a 5 year old frost tolerant Eucalyptus timber plantation at 600 m above sea level in Galicia (Northwestern Spain). (Click image to enlarge)

Some key factors for a successful cultivation of cold hardy Eucalyptus for timber production

  • Careful choice of Eucalyptus species suitable for winter conditions in the area of introduction and suitable for target industrial lines. Results from well designed comparative species survival and growth trials for the area of introduction are good indicators.
  • Careful choice of seed provenances within the most desirable Eucalyptus species. Results from well designed provenance trials able to quantify best growth and cold tolerance for the area of introduction are good indicators.
  • Use of genetically improved Eucalyptus plant stock if available, as it normally yields better growth rates and improved physical or chemical timber properties.
  • Good matching of species to site, preferring sheltered from sustained chilly winds and and as sunny as possible areas with Southern exposure, better over soils of moderate depth and fertility.
  • Proper site prepation to encourage as fast establishment of the tender Eucalyptus seedlings as possible. Well developed root systems on deep laboured soil tend to stand better temporary freezing of the most superficial soil layers.
  • Proper planting schedule to allow quick growth during the first year. A good height growth over the coldest layer of air near soil tends to increase survival rates to radiational frost.
  • Proper understorey control during the first years to minimise competence and allow as quick formation of less fragile woody tissue as possible. Even the most resistant plant material is at risk of damage due to impredictable extreme climatic events. However survival and recovery from damage are better once eucalypts reach a certain size.
  • Regular monitoring of weather events and symptoms of cold induced damage (leaf injuries, dessication, bark cracking, newest growth burns, form defects, etc).

Interesting links

Cold hardy Eucalyptus timber production in Galicia (I)

Eucalyptus Highland Forests in Northwestern Spain and Portugal (II)

Eucalyptus globulus. Blue Gum Eucalypt Coastal Forests in Northwestern Iberia

Eucalyptus nitens. Shining Gum Eucalypt Highland Forests in Northwestern Iberia

Eucalyptus macarthurii. Camden Woollybutt Highland Forests in Northwestern Iberia

Eucalyptus delegatensis. Tasmanian Oak Highland Forests in Northwestern Iberia

Eucalyptus dalrympleana. Mountain White Gum Highland Forests in Northwestern Iberia

(more to come, we are hunting them all!)

Have you seen the Giant Eucalyptus Movie?

EUCALYPTOLOGICS: GIT Forestry Consulting Eucalyptus Blog / Information Resources on Eucalyptus Cultivation Worldwide / Forestry Engineering, Eucalyptus Seed, Eucalyptus Plants, Eucalyptus Wood, Eucalyptus Honey, Eucalyptus Essential Oil, Eucalyptus Forests, Eucalyptus Plantations, Eucalyptus Timber, Eucalyptus Lumber, Eucalyptus Furniture, Eucalyptus Veneer, Eucalyptus Plywood, Eucalyptus MDF Board, Eucalyptus Cellulose, Eucalyptus Paper, Eucalyptus Biomass, Eucalyptus Energy, Eucalyptus Floristry, Eucalyptus Foliage, Eucalyptus Garden / Ingenieria Forestal, Semilla de eucalipto, Plantas de eucalipto, Madera de eucalipto, Miel de eucalipto, Aceite Esencial de eucalipto, Bosque de eucalipto, Plantacion de eucalipto, Muebles de eucalipto, Tablero de eucalipto, MDF de eucalipto, Celulosa de eucalipto, Papel de eucalipto, Biomasa de eucalipto, Energia de eucalipto, Ramillo Verde Ornamental de Eucalipto, Jardin de EucaliptoGIT's Eucalyptology Topics

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© 2007 Gustavo Iglesias Trabado. Please contact us if you want to use all or part of this text and photography elsewhere. We like to share, but we do not like rudeness.

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Snow Gums (Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. niphophila) at Bogong Ridge, Thredbo, ACT / Eucaliptos de las Nieves en Bogong Ridge, Thredbo, Canberra / Merry Christmas and Happy Eucalyptic Year 2008 / Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Eucalíptico 2008 / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain(click to enlarge)


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EUCALYPTOLOGICS: GIT Forestry Consulting Eucalyptus Blog / Information Resources on Eucalyptus Cultivation Worldwide / Forestry Engineering, Seed, Plants, Wood, Honey, Essential Oil, Forests, Plantations, Timber, Lumber, Furniture, Veneer, Plywood, MDF Board, Cellulose, Paper, Biomass, Energy, Floristry, Foliage, Garden / Ingenieria Forestal, Semilla, Plantas, Madera, Miel, Aceite Esencial, Bosque, Plantacion, Muebles, Tablero, MDF, Celulosa, Papel, Biomasa, Energia, Ramillo Verde Ornamental, Jardin

And last, but not least, thanks also to all those many other individual readers worldwide who have shared the eucalyptic spirit. You know who you are.

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EUCALYPTOLOGICS gets +650% traffic increase in 3 months / EUCALYPTOLOGICS is currently in the top 5% of the World Wide Web / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoria y Servicios de Ingenieria Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics Information Resources on Eucalyptus Cultivation Around the WorldNet Increase in Readership for GIT Forestry Consulting's EUCALYPTOLOGICS during early 2008. Majority of our readers are located in Europe & North America. (Statistics courtesy of Google Analytics)

Quality matters, but what about quantity?

EUCALYPTOLOGICS gets +650% traffic increase in 3 months / EUCALYPTOLOGICS is currently in the top 5% of the World Wide Web / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoria y Servicios de Ingenieria Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain / Eucalyptologics Information Resources on Eucalyptus Cultivation Around the WorldAlexa Ranking for EUCALYPTOLOGICS, February 2008

We are very pleased with the significant increase in our high profile readership. All in all, EUCALYPTOLOGICS is a highly specialised information resource targeted to a niche audience even if we try to deliver a mix of technical and non technical information to make it less harsh. We rather quality than quantity. But... According to Alexa, the Web Information Company, EUCALYPTOLOGICS has experienced a +650% traffic increase in the last 3 months and is steadily climbing its traffic rank. According to NetCraft estimates, there are currently some 160 million websites in the World Wide Web, of which roughly 70 million are active websites. Crossing both data sets, it can be roughly estimated that GIT Forestry Consulting's Eucalyptus Blog EUCALYPTOLOGICS is currently in the top 5% of the World Wide Web. Three months ago we were in the top 15%. It is a nice progress! (and even more considering we had never started a weblog before!) These results are very pleasing, but must be taken humbly. We are a very small grain of sand compared to the giant rolling stones of the Internet beach. And a niche information resource. Our aim must always be quality.
EUCALYPTOLOGICS: GIT Forestry Consulting Eucalyptus Blog / Information Resources on Eucalyptus Cultivation Worldwide / Forestry Engineering, Eucalyptus Seed, Eucalyptus Plants, Eucalyptus Wood, Eucalyptus Honey, Eucalyptus Essential Oil, Eucalyptus Forests, Eucalyptus Plantations, Eucalyptus Timber, Eucalyptus Lumber, Eucalyptus Furniture, Eucalyptus Veneer, Eucalyptus Plywood, Eucalyptus MDF Board, Eucalyptus Cellulose, Eucalyptus Paper, Eucalyptus Biomass, Eucalyptus Energy, Eucalyptus Floristry, Eucalyptus Foliage, Eucalyptus Garden / Ingenieria Forestal, Semilla de eucalipto, Plantas de eucalipto, Madera de eucalipto, Miel de eucalipto, Aceite Esencial de eucalipto, Bosque de eucalipto, Plantacion de eucalipto, Muebles de eucalipto, Tablero de eucalipto, MDF de eucalipto, Celulosa de eucalipto, Papel de eucalipto, Biomasa de eucalipto, Energia de eucalipto, Ramillo Verde Ornamental de Eucalipto, Jardin de EucaliptoGIT's Eucalyptology Topics

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Eucalyptus as dieback perennials: taking advantage of plant resurrection


Pictured below, three examples of Eucalyptus growing as ornamental plants in gardens where restrictive winter events lead to aerial part loss and natural regeneration from coppice favours annual regrowth.

Cold hardy ornamental Eucalyptus polyanthemos coppice regrowth as a dieback perennial in a USDA Zone 8 garden / Rebrote de cepa en Eucalipto Silver Dolar ornamental resistente a las heladas / Cold hardy ornamental Eucalyptus Silver Dollar coppice regrowth as a dieback perennial in a USDA Zone 8 garden / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal, Galicia, España, SpainFig 1: Yearly growth from coppice in Eucalyptus 'Silver Dollar', borderline cold hardy Eucalyptus for USDA Zone 8b (Click image to enlarge)

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Eucalyptus timber: colour changes too!


Making charcoal with Eucalyptus "Mahogany"? Shit happens.

Gustavo Iglesias Trabado
Contact GIT Forestry Consulting
GIT Forestry Consulting - Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal - www.git-forestry.com - EUCALYPTOLOGICS

Seasonal colour changes can appear in the foliage of some ornamental Eucalyptus, as we have seen. But these variable trees also show some colour changes when we consider one of the principal products they are cultivated for: Eucalyptus timber.

Four types of cold hardy Eucalyptus timber in Galicia, Northwestern Spain / Cuatro tipos de madera de eucalipto resistente a la helada en Galicia, Noroeste de España / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoria y Servicios de Ingenieria Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain, EUCALYPTOLOGICSFour cold temperate Eucalyptus timbers in Galicia
(click to enlarge)

However, in this case of Eucalyptus wood, colour variation is not seasonal. Or it should not be! But it can be seen when logs are seasoning. A wide variety colours is possible if we travel Australia up and down jumping from log to log of different Eucalyptus species, finding a range from white or very pale timbers to dark rich coloured ones.

Red River Gum timber / Eucalyptus camaldulensis timber / Eucalypthus Mahogany timber / Madera de Eucalipto Rojo / California Red Gum wood / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoria y Servicios de Ingenieria Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, España, Spain, EUCALYPTOLOGICSExample of red coloured timber in an Eucalyptus camaldulensis log piece
(click to enlarge)

Curiously, this was one of the earliest eucalypts cultivated outside of Australia (as early as the early 1800's) and is today one of the commonest in almost any arid or semi-arid climate around the world with a Mediterranean tendence and frequent droughts, be it in Europe, California, South America, Africa or Asia.

Much of the final use for this plantation timber cannot match well the highest preferences of cellulosic industries if other eucalypt timbers are easily available, and the most obvious alternative industrial uses have then to do with sustainable supplies of firewood or charcoal, or, in these days of climatic change frenziness, environmentally friendly biomass for "green fuel".

However, one wonders, if there are or there are not enough red river gums within the half a million hectares (!!) of plantations in Spain, Morocco and Italy able to supply logs of dimension and stability enough as to yield other products.

All in all, isn't high quality handcrafted furniture with "Eucalyptus Mahogany" much more appealing for a log than ending up as charcoal?

EUCALYPTOLOGICS: GIT Forestry Consulting Eucalyptus Blog / Information Resources on Eucalyptus Cultivation Worldwide / Forestry Engineering, Seed, Plants, Wood, Honey, Essential Oil, Forests, Plantations, Timber, Lumber, Furniture, Veneer, Plywood, MDF Board, Cellulose, Paper, Biomass, Energy, Floristry, Foliage, Garden / Ingenieria Forestal, Semilla, Plantas, Madera, Miel, Aceite Esencial, Bosque, Plantacion, Muebles, Tablero, MDF, Celulosa, Papel, Biomasa, Energia, Ramillo Verde Ornamental, JardinGIT's Eucalyptology Topics

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© 2007 Gustavo Iglesias Trabado. Please contact us if you want to use all or part of this text and photography elsewhere. We like to share, but we do not like rudeness.

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Citizen Labillardiere's Heritage: Recherche Bay and the discovery of Eucalyptus globulus


The Footprints of Citizen Labillardière

Chronology of the discovery of Eucalyptus globulus

Gustavo Iglesias Trabado Contact GIT Forestry Consulting
GIT Forestry Consulting - Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal - www.git-forestry.com - EUCALYPTOLOGICS

21 September 1791 - Brest, France

French ships Recerche and Esperance from D'Entrecasteaux Expedition sail to Tasmania where Labillardiere discovers Eucalyptus globulus / Buques franceses Recerche y Esperance navegan a Tasmania donde Labillardiere descubre el eucalipto globulus / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoria y Servicios de Ingenieria Agroforestal, Lugo, Galicia, Spain, España, Eucalyptologics

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