Ecoefficient Eucalyptus cultivated forests - by Celso Foelkel

by Celso Foelkel

Production of Eucalyptus cultivated forests under the perspective of Eco-efficiency, Eco-efficacy and Cleaner Production / Eucalyptus Online Book, July 2008, by Celso Foelkel / Eucalyptus Wisdom from Brazil / Construccion y gestion de bosques cultivados de eucalipto bajo la optica de la ecoeficiencia, ecoeficacia y produccion mas limpia (P+L)/ Libro Online Eucalipto, Julio 2008, por Celso Foelkel / Sabiduría eucalíptica desde Brasil(Click image to enlarge)

Summary of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Reviewing concepts on Ecoefficiency, Ecoefficacy and Cleaner Production
  • Key points on technologic success of Eucalyptus cultivated forests in Brazil and optimisation potential for Ecoefficiency, Ecoefficacy and P+L
  • Case studies and opportunities for Ecoefficiency and P+L at Eucalyptus tree farms
  • Some "real world" situations as examples on Ecoefficiency and Eco-Inefficiency
  • Final considerations
  • References and recommended literature

Grau Celsius - Celsius Degree - Celso Foelkel Eucalyptus WisdomTechnical coordination - Celso Foelkel
Webmaster / editing - Alessandra Foelkel
Celsius Degree: Phone (+55-51) 3338-4809
Copyright © 2007-2010

Grau Celsius - Celsius Degree - Celso Foelkel Eucalyptus Wisdom - Sabiduria Eucaliptica de Celso Foelkel

Eucalyptus Online Book & Newsletter are technical information texts written and made available free of charge to all people involved with the forestry and utilization of the Eucalyptus. It depends only on registering yourself to receive them.

This knowledge oriented service was made possible through sponsoring support provided by ABTCP - Brazilian Technical Association of Pulp and Paper and by Botnia, Aracruz, International Paper do Brasil, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates and Suzano. The opinions expressed in the texts are those of the author or coming from the referenced technical literature. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors.

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