Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 12 - by Celso Foelkel

by Celso Foelkel

Summary of Contents
  • Eucalyptus Online Book Chapter 7 (Portuguese): "Ecoefficient Management of Woody Forest Residues from Eucalyptus Plantation Forestry"
  • Eucalyptus Online Book Chapter 5 (English): "Industrial Solid Wastes from Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp Production. Part 1: Fibrous organic residues"
  • Online Technical References
  • References on Events and Courses
  • Euca-Links
  • Planting and Growing Eucalyptus Plantation Forests
  • Curiousities and Oddities about the Eucalyptus by Ester Foelkel
  • The Friends of the Eucalyptus - Dr. Maria Cristina Area
  • Technical mini-article by Celso Foelkel: Eucalyptus Planted Forests and Biodiversity

Previous Issues

Grau Celsius - Celsius Degree - Celso Foelkel Eucalyptus Wisdom

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