Eucalyptus Newsletter nº 28 - by Celso Foelkel

Eucalyptus Online Book and Newsletter Nº28, June 2010, by Celso Foelkel / Eucalyptus Wisdom from Brazil / Boletín Online Eucalipto Nº28, Junio 2010, por Celso Foelkel / Sabiduría eucalíptica desde Brasil / Grau Celsius / Celsius Degree /

by Celso Foelkel

Summary of Contents

Selected Contents of the First 27 Editions of the Eucalyptus Online Newsletter

Section - "The World of the Eucalyptus"

Eucalyptus in Portugal
Eucalyptus in the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
Eucalyptus in South Africa
Eucalyptus in Uruguay
Eucalyptus in the States of Mato Grosso & Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil
Eucalyptus in the State of Sao Paulo - Brazil
Eucalyptus in the State of Minas Gerais - Brazil

Section - "The Friends of the Eucalyptus"

Dr. Herbert Sixta
For. Eng. Teotonio Francisco de Assis
Dr. Robert Paul Kibblewhite
Dr. Laercio Couto
Dra. Maria Cristina Area
Dr. Luiz Ernesto George Barrichelo
Dr. Jose Luiz Stape
Mr. Gustavo Iglesias Trabado
Prof. Jose Paz Pena
Prof. Roberto Melo Sanhueza
Prof. Paulo Renato Schneider
Prof. Miguel Angel Mario Zanuttini
Dr. Dario Grattapaglia (just in Portuguese till now)
Dr. Alberto Daniel Venica
Prof. Dr. José Livio Gomide (just in Portuguese till now)
Prof. Dr. José Otávio Brito (just in Portuguese till now)

Section "Online Technical References"
- Editions associated to some specific issue

Technical References about South Africa
Technical References about Uruguay
Ph.D. Theses, Master Dissertations and Monographs from Chilean Universities
Technical References about Mato Grosso & Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil
"O Papel" Magazine Cover Stories (Just in Portuguese till now)
Historical Books about Eucalyptus written by Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, Armando Navarro Sampaio and Octavio Vecchi
Some More Historical & Classic Books about the Eucalyptus

Section "Euca-Links"
- Editions associated to some specific issue

Euca-Links about South Africa
Euca-Links about Uruguay
Euca-Links about the State of Sao Paulo - Brazil
Euca-Links about the State of Minas Gerais - Brazil

Section "References about Events and Courses" - Editions associated to some specific issue

Events and Courses in South Africa
Events and Courses in Uruguay
Events and Courses in Mato Grosso & Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil
Events and Courses in Minas Gerais - Brazil

Section "Online Digital Magazines"
- Editions associated to some specific issue

Digital Magazines in South Africa
Digital Magazines in Uruguay
Digital Magazines in the State of Sao Paulo - Brazil
Digital Magazines in the State of Minas Gerais - Brazil

Section "A Meeting with the Forest Sector Innovation" - Editions associated to some specific issue

ABTCP Articles (Just in Portuguese till now)
Technological Roadmaps 2009

Section "Eco-Efficiency and Sustainability Corner"
- Editions associated to some specific issue

ABTCP Articles (Just in Portuguese till now)
Eco-Labelling and Forest Certification

Section "A Talk with Alberto Mori about the Papers Manufactured with Eucalyptus"

A Talk with Alberto Mori about the Papers Manufactured with Eucalyptus Fibers
Decor Papers

Texts, Tutorials and Relevant Selected Topics about the Eucalyptus

Australian Plants - The genera Eucalyptus, Corymbia & Angophora
Forest Certification
Environmental Impact Assessment Studies of the New Market Pulp Mills (Botnia and ENCE) in Uruguay
Eucalyptus in Asia
Eucalyptus Diseases
Graduate Course in Pulp and Paper Technology - UFV Federal University of Viçosa
Graduate Course in Forest Engineering - Forest Products Technology - UFSM Federal University of Santa Maria
Wood Anatomy - A Tutorial - Photo Gallery with Images & Wood Anatomy Sceneries
Wood Anatomy: A Complement to our Previous Tutorial
Insect Pests & Diseases of Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus Essential Oils
Honey Production from Eucalyptus
Genomics in Eucalyptus
Environmental Impact Assessment Studies for Modern Pulp Fiberlines
Environmental Legislation for Modern Pulp Fiberlines: a Study by the Tasmanian Government
Bleaching of Eucalyptus Kraft Pulps
Best Available Techniques for the Manufacture of Eucalyptus Pulp
Costs & Profits in Eucalyptus Wood Production by Coppice - Clear Cutting Forest Management
Eucalyptus Photo Gallery
A Field Guide to Eucalyptus & Plantation Forest Trees
Planting & Growing Eucalyptus Plantation Forests
Albany resources (Western Australia) pay off for forward thinking
Eucalyptus: Doubts, Creeds, Myths, Facts & Realities. Part 01: The opinion of the "contrary interested parties"
Eucalyptus: Doubts, Creeds, Myths, Facts & Realities. Part 02: The opinion of the "favorable interested parties"
RISI Top 50 Power List
Eucalyptus Global Map 2008
Eucalyptus World Map
Tributes to Eucalyptus: Music & Literature
Weed Competition and Control in Eucalyptus Forest Plantations
Five Years of "Ask the Euca Expert" (Just in Portuguese till now)
Eucalyptus Wooden Poles (Just in Portuguese till now)
FEENA - "Edmundo Navarro de Andrade" Sao Paulo State Forest
Eucalyptus Museum
Prices of Forest Products
Costs of Forest Operations with Eucalyptus

Section - "Curiosities and Oddities about the Eucalyptus" by Ester Foelkel

Eucalyptus & Artcraft
Eucalyptus Inspiring Arts
Eucalyptus in Landscape Design & Gardening
Eucalyptus used for the Production of Bonsai
Eucalyptus used for the Production of Insect Repellents
Eucalyptus used for the Production of Honey - A top quality apiculture
Eucalyptus used for the Production of Soaps & Detergents
The Production of Shiitake Mushroom based on Eucalyptus Logs
The Association of the Eucalyptus to Human Allergies
The Disinfectant and Antiseptic Properties of the Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus used for the Production of Tannins (Just in Portuguese till now)
Railway Sleepers made from Eucalyptus Wood
Eucalyptus Wood Flooring
Production of Pyroligneous Acid (Wood Vinegar) from Eucalyptus Timber(Just in Portuguese till now)
Production of tars and creosote from Eucalyptus Timber(Just in Portuguese till now)

Eucalyptus Online Book Chapters by Celso Foelkel

Bark of Eucalyptus Trees: Morphological, Physiological, Forestry, Ecological & Industrial Aspects Oriented to Pulp & Paper Production (Just in Portuguese till now)
Minerals & Nutrients in Eucalyptus Trees: Environmental, Physiological, Silvicultural & Industrial Aspects about Inorganic Elements Present on Trees (Just in Portuguese till now)
Eucalyptus Fibers & Kraft Pulp Quality Requirements for Paper Manufacturing
Vessel Elements & Eucalyptus Pulps
Industrial Solid Wastes from Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp Production. Part 01: Fibrous Organic Residues
Eco-Efficient Management of Pulp Fiber Losses & Broke Generated in Paper Manufacturing
Eco-Efficient Management of Woody Forest Residues from Eucalyptus Plantation Forestry
Eucalyptus & Leguminosae. Part 01: Acacia mearnsii
Eco-efficiency & Cleaner Production for the Eucalyptus Pulp and Paper Industry
Opportunities for Eco-Effectiveness, Eco-Efficiency & Cleaner Production in Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp-making (Just in Portuguese till now)
Eucalyptus Plantation Forests Productivity from the Perspective of Eco-Effectiveness, Eco-Efficiency & Cleaner Production
1001 Ways to Make your Pulp & Paper Mill & your Planted Forest more Eco-Effective & Eco-Efficient (Just in Portuguese till now)
Industrial Solid Wastes from Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp Production. Part 02: Success Factors for Management (Just in Portuguese till now)
Papermaking Properties of Eucalyptus Trees, Woods & Pulp Fibers
The Process of Eucalyptus Woodchip Impregnation by Kraft Pulping Liquor (Just in Portuguese till now)
Individualizing Eucalyptus Woody Fibers for Kraft Pulp (Just in Portuguese till now)
Differentiating Eucalyptus Market Pulps & Papers through Pulp Fines Management (Just in Portuguese till now)

Technical Mini-Articles by Celso Foelkel

Flash Drying as a Process to Differentiate Market Pulps
Eucalyptus: the Tallest and most Productive Trees on Earth...
Washing & Cleaning Eucalyptus Pulps
ECF & TCF Bleaching Sequences for Eucalyptus Kraft Pulps
Eucalyptus in Brazil
Eucalyptus in Brazil - Second part
Modern Bleached Kraft Eucalyptus Pulp Fiber Lines
Best Available Technologies & Best Environmental Practices for the Production of Eucalyptus Bleached Kraft Pulps
Eucalyptus Bleached Kraft Pulp Manufacturing & Water Consumption
Closing Water Cycle for Further Reductions on Water Consumption in the Manufacture of Eucalyptus Bleached Kraft Pulp
Eucalyptus Planted Forests & Water Consumption
Eucalyptus Planted Forests & Biodiversity
Eucalyptus & Eco-labels
Eucalyptus & Soil Conservation
Eucalyptus Plantation Forests & the Environment
Eucalyptus Planted Forests & Sustainability
Communicating to Society the Realities of the Forest-Based Sector
Treating Wastewaters Generated in Eucalyptus Bleached Kraft Pulp Mills
Managing Eucalyptus Plantation Forests for Enhanced Sustainability
Eucalyptus Planted Forests, Land Use & the Production of Food in Brazil
Eucalyptus Plantation Forests & Pesticides
Eucalyptus Plantation Forests & Fertilizers (Just in Portuguese till now)
About Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, Armando Navarro Sampaio and Octavio Vecchi
Eucalyptus Plantations & Genetically Modified Trees
Pruning Eucalyptus Trees
Recycled Paper & Virgin Fiber Paper: The Necessary Technological & Environmental Link (Just in Portuguese till now)

Previous Issues

Eucalyptus Online Book & Newsletter are technical information texts written and made available free of charge to all people involved with the forestry and utilization of the Eucalyptus. It depends only on registering yourself to receive them.

Technical coordination - Celso Foelkel
Webmaster / editing - Alessandra Foelkel
Celsius Degree: Phone (+55-51) 3338-4809
Copyright © 2005-2010

This knowledge oriented service was made possible through sponsoring support provided by ABTCP - Brazilian Technical Association of Pulp and Paper and by Fibria. The opinions expressed in the texts are those of the author or coming from the referenced technical literature. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors.

Grau Celsius - Celsius Degree - Celso Foelkel Eucalyptus Wisdom
Grau Celsius - Celsius Degree - Celso Foelkel Eucalyptus Wisdom - Sabiduria Eucaliptica de Celso Foelkel

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