Eucalyptus honey: Galician Bees know

Honey bee foraging a blooming ornamental Eucalyptus in Galicia, Spain/ Abeja pastando eucalipto en flor en Galicia, España / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería Agroforestal
Approaching a blooming Eucalyptus lets one see Galician honey bees joyfully foraging and crossing the sky in their aerial dances to report all the hive nice food has been found. The heady scent of nectar filled flowers lets you know they cannot be wrong.

As a result, Galicia yields high quality organically produced Eucalyptus honey. A delicacy for connoisseurs.

Mieles Outeda, Organic Eucalyptus Honey Made in Galicia / Miel ecológico de eucalipto de Galicia / Mel ecolóxico de eucalipto de Galicia /Mel de Galicia: calidade en delicatessen / Miel de Galicia: calidad en delicatessen / GIT Forestry Consulting, Consultoría y Servicios de Ingeniería AgroforestalMIELES OUTEDA
Eucalyptus honey from the Rías Baixas, Galicia

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